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About The Training App!
Hey guys! As soon as you join the community, send me a DM with your email to create you an account into my app. Once you have your login information, you can use this link to log in.
New comment Aug 5
Breaking the Ice 🧊
WHATS UP EVERYONE! Thank you to all new members of GET HUMBLED for signing up and congratulations for taking steps to better yourself today! A few important housekeeping notes I will talk about here in regards to the group, the challenge, and getting the ball rolling here. 1) The challenge TECHNICALLY doesn’t start until tomorrow! Much of the 31st and 1st has been getting the resources available in the group, getting everybody in here and getting those calls set up. Because if the slight delays, the end date of the challenge will extend a bit to compensate as well too. We had some technical difficulties with the call schedule - although not essential (as long as I have the onboarding form we’re good) I’d love the chance to connect with all of you! Please message me directly today if you’d like to get on a call today or tomorrow to confirm your time! We will also allow a few days of late registration for anybody that would like to get in here! 2) There are still resources to be posted into the classroom today. Once everything is in there, I will make a FAQ video detailing how to access them and how to make the most out of them. 3) For the recomp challenge, I set your macronutrient needs and it is up to you to make what you see fit in them. I recommend using a combination of your previous knowledge, the recipe book, and shared community ideas to hit those numbers accurately! You can’t out-train a bad diet guys, and this challenge isn’t a starvation challenge. It’s meant to provide a solid baseline for you to recomp at. This is usually a spot right between where our Basal Metabolic Rate is and in the direction of where we want to take our bodies (our specific goals). There will be one adjustment and check in at the 4 week mark! But with the recomp phase of coaching guys, we can ride it for a while. This process should teach YOU how to create your diet sustainably! 4) The training programs rotate every 6-8 weeks to provide something fresh - but still utilize a lot of the same format that I know is the most effective. These are demanding workouts, and they are based off of my training split for myself (males) and the training splits I used for my female bikini champion competitors. Technique and intensity are the two most integral focuses you must keep, but if I was able to review every single persons training videos this would essentially be the same as my $300/month coaching service for 1/10th of the price. There is some self sufficiency needed here, and you need to be your own boss and push yourself.
New comment Aug 1
Ready to Get Humbled?
If you're up for this challenge, please fill this form and book your call with me! Calls can be scheduled on July 30th and 31st between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. AST!
New comment Aug 1
Phase 2?
Hows everyone feeling going into the second phase ?? Everyone still feeling motivated?
New comment 4d ago
Phase 2?
Update - technical issues
Hey guys! Sorry for the radio silence over here - was having some issues getting into the Skool app. Got my labtop fixed, and am up and running now! I’ve been blown away by some of the results you guys have been getting. Truly all of you have done exceptionally well through this short time window here! Remember that we have about 2 more good weeks left - 4th quarter mentality! Theres $300 up for grabs and the grey area here that determines the winner will come from effort level and consistency over this final stretch! πŸ’ͺ Any support you guys need from me - never hesitate to ask away. It’s amazing to see you guys support each other and create that sense of community that helps the next person get through the hard days and stick to their goals! A couple things I look to improve upon in the next few months to add more to the overall experience for the community group: - An integrated exercise database (video how to’s) - Motivation and mindset support - Live Q&As and community video meetings (we will do one of these at the end of the challenge period!) Thank you guys for being you! This was the first go at something like this for me and I appreciate all the feedback to make the experience the best it can be for everyone with the given parameters and value offering. PS: thank you for being patient with the mid challenge updates - not much was to be changed for most of you but I have been extremely busy with 9 clients competing in a show here next Saturday. On top of my PT work - it’s been all hands on deck! Excited to see the final results guys. Keep pushing through! 🫑 Coach Ro
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There's never been a better time to GET HUMBLED and become the best version of yourself!
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