Full Moon call 21/06 🌕
Yesterday’s full moon call was a beautiful way to end the working week. I took myself out into nature to enjoy this call, here are some notes & 💎
—Don’t limit yourself to losses per session because setups can occur after two losses. Use your strategy and understanding of yourself and when you go on tilt to create rules that align with the process.
—When you’re in a challenge, and you make a mistake that’s very costly. What your mind now knows is that tomorrow you could come to the charts, do all the right things, stick to your rules and still not be in profit after a good win because of the bigger loss than necessary the day before. This leads to tilt because your mind is chasing break even or a green day as it knows it will take multiple wins to bring the account back to where it was before the impulsive large mistake causing a bigger or more losses than planned.
—When a trade setup occurs, and starts to play out flawlessly from entry. But you’re not in the trade. It wasn’t emotions being the reason your not in the trade. Because two days ago, it did the same, and ended up a loss. This is what psychologist refer to as the recency effect. This is called a blind spot. You are making decisions based on a previous outcome and not what is infront of you: Something that is common but people are unaware of. It’s a cause for poor trading decisions. And people thing emotions is the biggest aspects of trading, no chance . It’s your thoughts and how you treat them. Younis will dive deep into all the blind spots and how to navigate through them in one of the Mindset Masterclass Modules.
—If, is the devil. It’s a word from the devil. IF this. And IF that. And if I had only done this or that then xyz. Regret, worry some thoughts comes from the devil. Don’t say if only I had done this, cos you open room for him.
—It’s not about becoming aware, it’s about what you’re becoming aware of!!! Beat quotes from Younis.
—The market tells you what you are and what to improve.
—When you’re trading, there’s the trader, the analyst, or the gambler. Only one can drive the train. The analyst tells the trader the data to execute on. The trader executes. The gambler goes off plan. Overtrading. Blindspots. Over leveraging. He wants to see what he can do outside of the plan. Who’s in your driver seat?
—Love. When we delay someone. We rely on ourselves. When we rely on God. You will rely on him to give you the ability to navigate around their shortcoming's in the future that you have not yet discovered. When God sends you something, he makes you able to deal with it and knowing that you can. The all-knower.
—Rejection is redirection.
Rejection is the result of deciding somethings not for you. You need to know what you don’t want to know what you want.
—A monk once said “you go through a spiritual journey where you accept thought rather than putting up with it”. Thinking that you’re putting up with something is not full acceptance.
Note taking by
Younis Ward
Full Moon call 21/06 🌕
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