Catching yourself when slipping...
So I've lost about 15lb since January, mostly by counting calories and holding myself accountable. It's not an easy journey but it's worth it.
March hit and I've gained 4lb/5lb... I think it's important to realise you can't be perfect all the time, it's natural to go off track sometimes but it's important to catch yourself and be aware of it. I've caught myself now before it is "too late" and I gain a lot more... but it could be worse.
Am I going to say "This sucks, I'm a failure I've gained weight..." no, I've lost 10-11lb overall and will get back on the wagon.
Life's always gonna get in the way, but you gotta make changes and push through the mess ups and continue pushing forward, before you know it you'll be smashing your goals!
TL;DR: Try catch yourself when you're slipping and hold yourself accountable, no one is perfect and sometimes just being "good enough" is what is important.
Jordan McLean
Catching yourself when slipping...
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