The End 👀
Unfortunately this community is coming to a close.
In my life right now I've slowly backed off of online coaching, and I'm pivoting into becoming a YouTube consultant. I'll reveal my channel soon, but for now, I'm closing this community (costs $99 a month to run a community), and I'll be focusing on my YouTube community.
If you're interested in growing on YouTube then check out YouTube Launch
This community will remain dormant, unsure if you'll be able to access the course material. I can send you unlisted YouTube videos if you need any of the sections.
For now, either see you on my socials, or in my YouTube community. I wish you all the best on your weight loss efforts.
As a final note, I still will offer online coaching, I'm just not investing the time to advertise it or chase up on people who may want it, if you would like 1-on-1 coaching, you know where I am ❤️
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Ryan Nettleship
The End 👀
The Weight Loss Blueprint
The Weight Loss Blueprint is the fundamentals of weight loss. No restrictions. No fad diets. Only results, and a community to support. Join Today 💪
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