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If you LOVE living a bike-riding lifestyle, and want to be free from pain and injury, so you can ride any bike any time anywhere, daily-over-decades? GluteDopingLAB is for YOU. Come on in and begin your FREE 21-days of GluteDoping Training NOW. Dr. Timothy Woo is a physical therapist, cycling-injury specialist, elite performance coach, and accomplished competitive cyclist across multiple disciplines located Redlands, CA. Since 2017, GluteDoping has helped thousands of riders around the world from every ability background and performance level get Educated, Equipped, and Encouraged to ReStore, ReBuild, and ReTrain their own bodies in order to go out and RIP-IT. Take the GluteDoping Challenge, do our "ReStore Daily Dose" for 21-days and watch YOUR cycling pain, injury, or performance limiter FALL at the mighty power of the GluteDoping "Order-of-Operations" and the GluteDoping STANDARDS. No lame office visits. No gym-bro workouts, No time off the bike. GluteDoping bands, foam roller, go!!
We help cyclists eliminate pain & ride free with Glute training. No lame office visits. No gym-bro workouts. Dr Tim Woo, Physical Therapist California
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