Legal community for dog-loving, working-class pro se litigants.
Find crowd-sourced experts, resources, guidance, and develop an action plan to get your quasi-criminal traffic court charges dismissed, avoid hefty fines and possibly jail time!
Were you jailed prior to conviction for a non-felonious incident without a warrant and/or proper due process. I can help you articulate that on paper and get it onto the court record!
Enjoy free & paid content, and ask about 1:1 consultations!
Learn how to:
1) challenge the original charging instruments of your case
2) find local court rules
3) draft court documents
4) and more!
Connect with others facing similar challenges,
share your experiences, and find strength in numbers.
Join us today to take control of your legal journey, armed with the knowledge and support you need to win in court, and keep your pooch!
United We Stand!
#bork #woof #doge