Economy of BEING
Over the last three years I have whittled down to bare bones so much of what I think, what I believe and what I do, personally and professionally, so that I can TRULY FEEL my wholeness and the fullness of life.
I call it Economy of Being.
It is the ability to align your thoughts and actions with your inspired intuitive nature so you can live life within a 'Less is More' perspective of simple elegance where it is easier to surrender to Spirit's plan for your life while no longer being distracted by what is NOT THAT.
If you want to do that, the quickest and most efficient way to distill life to its essence and the meaning it holds for you is to think about what you would do if you had a week left to live-- or even a day left to live.
Pretty quickly the fog will clear, the clouds will part, and you have the crispest clarity around what and who you actually care about and what speaks to you through your soul.
You realize that human existence that gets compartmentalize and viewed as separate-- relationships, money, health, career and everything else all blur and blend into one and you realize these are just the sum parts of the overall relationship you are having WITH YOURSELF.
You realize how you do one thing is how you do everything.
Because you finally realize YOU ARE EVERYTHING-- that life perceived as outside of you is a powerful reflection of your inner state.
You realize the convoluted minutiae of everyday reality collapses into one big sphere of awareness that brings your previously limited consciousness into stark contrast with the bounty of the infinite and then.... THEN and ONLY THEN can you finally see how small and safe and clever you tried to be with life up until this point.
Once you cross the threshold of zeroing out your old misperceptions of yourself, you finally see how many times you tried to barter with, outwit, or even tried to outsmart a force so great and powerful that it has the ability to fill your body with breath and life one moment and decide not to return it to you in the next moment.
How many times have you tried to understand or even manipulate an intelligence so boundless and vast, only to recognize you have no choice but to surrender to it?
How many times have you thought, "I have all the time in the world"?
How many times have you pretended that you will go on forever and yet you are keenly aware of your perceived limitations?
And with this focused lens of perception, I ask you to look at the strange, imperfect, messy and sometimes painful beauty of life.
NOTHING right now is AS IT WAS. It won't return.
There is only the way forward.
We are at a Threshold. That is certain.
And you can interpret that however you want. As the end, or as a new and fresh beginning.
This energy isn't just allowing you to pull back the curtains on what's really going on with your self-generated cycle of looping through what you think you believe you know about the experience of Life.
This awareness is ramping up-- you see how much it no longer serves your expansion.
Those who are drawn to my work are just like me, questioning EVERYTHING and curiously asking, "What next? What do I prefer to experience NOW?"
But if I'm honest, I'm not here for anything less than a full witnessing of MY-SELF-- seeing where I hold myself back from Life, from my passion, my purpose, my genius and my sacred mission to serve LIFE's boundless expansion, releasing that energy and repurposing it into something bright, simple, elegant and perfectly suited to my singular taste.
If this is you, too, you are my people.
Life is about to get even more interesting. Do you feel that?
Kathryn Mussell
Economy of BEING
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