Sponsored Posts: Earn 100-300 $ICON Per POST...
Over the next month I'll be posting LOTS of ways to earn $ICON Coin ๐Ÿช™, so you can buy visibility assets to promote and advertise your groups and offers within the ICONomy.
Here's something that the $ICON Bank ๐Ÿฆ is BUYING Right NOW:
POSTS Promoting "Skool Group Leader Network" on Your Facebook Profile.
Post Requirements:
In the Post BODY:
1) Mention Skool Group Leader Network by name in the Post
2) Describe who it's for and why they should join
3) Tag Brian Campbell -> here's my Facebook Profile if you need to add me as a friend to tag me: https://www.facebook.com/brian.campbell.aloha/
4) use this hashtag at the end of the post:
In the Comments:
5) Provide a link to join this group in the comments:
$ICON Bank ๐Ÿฆ INSTANT Payout:
PAYOUT #1: RECEIVE 100 $ICON ๐Ÿช™ by posting the URL to your post in the COMMENTS Below ๐Ÿ‘‡
PAYOUT #2: RECEIVE a BONUS 200 $ICON๐Ÿช™ when 7 Unique people have either liked, loved or commented on your post. (Just let me know in the comments below once you hit this level of engagement by tagging me to let me know).
You can only get Paid to Make One Post Every 5 Days (to prevent abuse)...
How to Claim Your 100-300 $ICON?
Follow the Instructions ABOVE ๐Ÿ‘† and then PASTE Your COMMENTS Below ๐Ÿ‘‡
Non-Money Reasons to Promote Our Group:
The More People that join our Group, the More Opportunities you have for visibility in the $ICON Marketplace. We're paying you to promote us with posts on your Facebook Profile...which would otherwise just sit there...but the deeper reason to promote the group is that it creates more opportunities for our members to grow and expand. So even setting the money aside, it's supporting your growth by telling others about this AWESOME Group that actually REWARDS it's members with VISIBILITY to NEW! Audiences ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
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Brian Campbell
Sponsored Posts: Earn 100-300 $ICON Per POST...
Skool Group Leaders Network
The #1 Community to Promote Yourself Freely & Network with other leaders on Skool.
Leaderboard (30-day)
Nick Maier
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