Welcome Growers! We are here to grow and discuss what it takes to grow your first 4 plants. You want to grow for all types of reasons and we do too. The great part is there's something here for everyone. You never grew anything before? Don't have a GREEN Thumb? Great! You are in the right place. Tired of prices fluctuating. Looking for the strand you love? Scared of the harmful chemicals uses affecting your health? Want to save money on your Cannabis and Marijuana usage? Grow Bros have been there and we are hare to help. Lets make growing easy and be a part of a Cannabis culture. This is a community of like minded people who share their BRO Science on growing our special medication. Be sure to stick around for Meet-ups, Events, Grow Competitions, Fire Genetics, Discounts, Product Reviews, Virtual/Live Consultation, Game Prizes Personal Grow Stories and more. Let Grow Together!