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Welcome to Grow Your Marketing Skool Platform!
Welcome to Grow Your Marketing Academy! Our goal is to catapult your success using the power of marketing focusing on social media, to find leads, let them know you are an expert and get financial freedom. Please make sure you see the calendar for our Chew the Marketing Fat! πŸš€πŸ—£οΈ Zoom call each Monday. This is the best place to talk to me. To kick things off, please comment below with the following: 1. Your name, city, country 2. Your online business experience 3. Share any wins 4. Your biggest challenge 5. Your goals for this skool See you in the comments!
New comment Aug 4
Welcome to Grow Your Marketing Skool Platform!
get to know me
Hey team I thought I would share a video I made when I lived in Sydney this did take a full day of filming and was completely unscripted. I hope you like it Have you ever made your own origin video if you have link it below
New comment Nov '23
get to know me
A Quirky Encounter with AI Telemarketing
Hey everyone, I just had the most intriguing experience with a telemarketing call. The voice on the other end sounded exactly like a sweet old grandma. It was clear I was AI because of the pauses after each question. I asked, but it was 85% lifelike, so it felt like talking to a real person! This got me thinking about the incredible advancements in AI and voice technology. It’s fantastic (and a bit eerie) how these systems can perfectly mimic human speech. I just think you could use this to call all your old leads and invite them to Skool without any real work. What are your thoughts on this kind of technology in marketing? Do you find it innovative or a bit too intrusive? Personally, as a dyslexic person with shocking spelling, I LOVE that AI allowed me to write like a normal person in half the time it used to, so if it can now do confirmation calls as well, I'm all for it.
New comment Aug 2
A Quirky Encounter with AI Telemarketing
Hello Team Tonight, I have a really special meeting for you all where we will be going over the biggest thing that kills sales; most of you will know that my main skill is sales, and on client calls, I hear the same thing over and over again. I'm not making the sales that I need. and most of the time, I can fix it in 3 months. Tonight, I'm going to fix that for you in one hour. Click the Calendar link in skool to get the Zoom link. This is not recorded. There are no replays.
New comment Feb 5
Come to the Next VDP
Hey team Right now I am co hosting a VDP with Greig and Joyan. vDP are a great way built community and learn more about your new potential clients too. We are going to host a master class on how we run the magic would you like to join? Comment below and I will DM you the RSVP How you all are having a great day
New comment Jan 24
Come to the Next VDP
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