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My Journey On Habits
#Module 1 - Awareness Is Key I began my journey with habits in late 2018 with my 2nd Advanced personal development seminar. We are all computers running programs. Aka habits. The moment you try to create a new one or incorporate a new program you have to change the hardware or update it. The hardware is your mind. P.S. I added the video of my broken head light, why not have some fun here!
New comment Jan '23
My Journey On Habits
- What's your nickname? Never really had one!! - Where are you from? Delaware originally yet I grew up in Kuwait! - Do you have any pets? No, my cat passed this year.. What's their name? His name was pepper - Do you have a hidden talent? Have not found it yet... 😂 - Are you vegan? No... If so, what inspired you to go vegan? If not, why do you want to be vegan? No I understand the concept and went vegan for a year but I didn't feel as healthy. - What's your favorite type of food? Sushi! Raw? V Cooked? Salmon... - What's one fun fact about you? I am an adrenaline junky!! - Favorite hobby? Golf!! - Biggest strength? Empathy - Biggest weakness? Focus!!!! - What do you do? Digital Marketing! - What's your goal inside of Plant-Based Posse... To become the best version of myself!
New comment Nov '22
The gift of Be, Do, Have!
#Part. 1The great part about determining who you want to be is that as you grow into that person, you have the ability to re-create yourself as the circumstances of your life change. Thought is powerful, and thoughts become facts. People who believe they can control their thoughts will quickly form habits, which will then develop into circumstances due to how deeply ingrained these patterns of thinking have become in their minds. We are the architects of our own lives. We create a world that reflects what's going on inside us, and when we believe in something so deeply, it becomes our reality.
Who Do I Have To Be?
#Part. 1 I have to be/I Am being strong loving resilient passionate abundant and open to all that comes my way. The power is understanding you have to be a CEO and do what a CEO does... ...and by being one you will have everything else!
New comment Nov '22
Who Do I Have To Be?
Where do I even begin...
#Part. 2 I could go on all day about beliefs ideas concepts that were passed down to me, but the one that really impacted me was money. 💲 money is X Money Is Y. People with money are greedy, People that want to make lots of money don't love their families. When I was struggling as an entrepreneur to break through that was one of the limiting beliefs I had, and it was PASSED DOWN TO BE. I WASN'T EVEN AWARE OF IT. I had emotions tied to it. Every time someone talked about money I felt a certain way❌. My next steps are to build habits around making money like donations because if I don't hit our revenue goals I can't donate to my favorite charity's.
Where do I even begin...
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Habit Effects Community
Welcome to "Habit Effects". Our mission is to help 300 people in 2023 create "Automaticity" with their new Habits. (#1 Evidence-based Group Online!)
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