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New Members, Please Read:
Hello, everyone, my name is Oleksii, and I am the admin of this community. ✅First of all, I don't consider myself an expert in anything. In this community we all provide value to everybody: the more valuable posts or comments you make, the more points you get. The more points you have, the higher your level. And the higher your level is the more og you are, and the more courses you can unlock in the future. As we all provide value here to each other, you can learn something from me, I can learn something from you, and so on. 🫵As for now, you can read more about this community in the About section. Also, feel free to add your suggestions, and questions under this post for what would you like to see here. ❓In the comments introduce yourself, connect with people, tell other people what you do, your hobbies, and how you can help others.
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Whole Year Arc
Everyone is talking about the winter arc.
I say fuck it.
How about the whole year arc? You don't need any winter or summer arc.
Time to lock in. NOW.
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