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Olá pessoal! Sou fisioterapeuta, atuo em tratamento de coluna e pós-cirurgicos. Atualmente comprometido em ser PT. Sou do interior da Bahia, Conceição do Coité e morando atualmente em Feira de Santana, também na Bahia.
New comment 9d ago
Hello there!
Hello! I'm from Piracicaba, in the interior of São Paulo, and I've been a physical therapist for 27 years, working in Preventive Physical Therapy and Ergonomics since then. I am in the process of validating my physical therapy degree in the U.S., like many of you. The journey is long, but the important thing is to take the first step! I hope to learn and contribute to this group!
New comment 27d ago
Hi colleagues
I am a physical therapist in Brazil. I am in the final stages of getting my physical therapist license in the United States. Now I am looking to improve my technical English and how to settle into my new life in the United States.
New comment 27d ago
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Healthcare Hustlers - USA
Helping Physical Therapists to achieve their dream of working in the USA in their profession.
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