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Ohno's Circle & Attack Plan is happening in 36 hours
Lost -$100k with BRRRR this year
I want to be fully transparent because there's a tendency to only show the good side of things. This year, due to many factors, I'm upside down a bit more than $100k. About 30% is because I was just plain sloppy and didn't have my process dialed in for these properties specifically. I had other income in my business that was masking the issue so it went undetected for 8 months. In the next weeks Ohno Circle workshop I'll go over where I went wrong and what were doing as a team to fix it!
Lost -$100k with BRRRR this year
My team took down $2.96M contract while I was at the Lean Summit!
Pretty wild, My team went under contract for a $2.96 million 32 unit apartment complex while I was gone. I arrived home and inspections are completed and we're moving forward. Remind me and I'll create some content on how that went down so we can all learn! This is unusual, and it's the first time someone big like that has been executed while I wasn't directly involved! #lean This would have been middle of the night in-between Day1 & Day 2 of the Summit!
Hello everyone! Here starting the conversation
Hugh , our number one challang today is finding a deal and how to bid fast enough so the market does tot beat us to it , we are very slow to bid and perhaps not knowing how to bid , we need to learn how to bid in right number , we understand the BRRR method at this point
New comment 26d ago
Training wheels! Buy Turnkey.
Build wealth with training wheels. For folks that are already high income or can pull funding from their business and want a simple way to get into Real Estate; here's an example of what is out there that can get you going in real estate if you've never bought before. (Case study at bottom) Buy a "TurnKey" property. This usually means a flipper has already come in and bought a distressed house and they put the time, money and work into it. Now they're exiting, and you have the chance to buy. There's often little to no meat on the bone (the flipper made the spread). Pros: 1) Why this may still be a good option? It's simple, you can focus on your business or other high value activities that make you more money. 2) Usually the big headaches have been solved for you (Be sure to get an inspection!) 3) Long term appreciation is the goal, and you'll still get the value in the long run. 4) Easy button: Usually simple, you buy it, "turn the key" to open the door and you can rent it out immediately. 5) Usually good for someone who doesn't have time, or doesn't to learn how to get in the nitty gritty of real estate. 6) Could be great for a HouseHack! (You move into the property) Cons: 1) Little/no meat on the bone when you buy. 2) You could be upside down with monthly cash flow for a few years. 3) You didn't build many skills when you acquired it. 4) MAKE SURE you get it inspected. Sometimes flippers don't do a good job. It could have serious issues and it just looks nice. Case study: One of my companies is wholesaling this property (it'll probably by gone by the time most of you read this post). We're selling it at $137.5k. Market value is probably $140-145k at the time of sale. Rents for $1200, loan ~$900. It'll only cash flow $75-100/mo after expenses. Challenge question: Is this a strategy you've used or would use? How did it go and why?
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