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Welcome to the How 2 Save & Invest community!
We are a global education platform where people can learn about financial literacy and build generational wealth.
Our mission is to educate 1 billion people on financial literacy.
How to use this group:
  • Ask any questions around personal finances and investing
  • Share remarkable content that you've found
  • Help others in the community
  • Share this community if you think others would find it helpful
Check out the free resources here (we will continue to update this)
Please introduce yourself in the comments below:
  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • One big thing you'd like to accomplish in the next 12 months
  • One thing you can offer to the group
Hung Pham
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How 2 Save & Invest
How 2 Save and Invest is a global education community where people can learn about financial literacy and build generational wealth.
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