Write something
Pausing the group for now. Text me if you're getting value!
Text me if you're getting value and if enough folks are, I'll consider reactivating. Thanks!
Hey 👋 - introduce yourself, ask questions, get help
Hey everyone we're almost at 20 members now, woohoo! Just wanted to make sure you knew you can introduce yourself, ask questions, and get help here too. So if you haven't yet, comment below on this post introducing yourself and what you're up to. Best, Harry
New comment Nov '23
Hi, I'm Elizabeth
Thanks for the prompt Harry! Hi All, My name is Elizabeth and I am a Christian Lifestyle Coach. I primarily work with Christian Women in seasons of change. I have designed an 8 week coaching program designed to break down beliefs one may have about oneself that are hindering progress, growth and potential. As a result, one can live in the freedom of who they are meant to be and accomplish goals with confidence. I also work on the side with late teens/20s who are trying to find purpose and get focused on their goals. I’m excited to be a part of this group of creative minds and entrepreneurs!
New comment Nov '23
Hi 👋 I'm Billy Boozer
Nice to meet you all. My name is Billy Boozer and I'm a entrepreneur. I founded a company called MerchantMob that simplifies your services business and helps you get paid faster. #BeeBuddy
New comment Oct '23
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