What makes a good leader
As someone who's spent a majority of my working life at the bottom rung of the ladder, I've experienced lots of different leadership types.
My first manager was such a kind man and was always looking out for all of his employees. Working in the restaurant industry, I often felt like my managers didn't have my back when a customer complained, even if I hadn't done anything wrong. But he handled those situations with so much grace, resolving the customers issues without throwing any waitstaff under the bus.
When I look at all of my past experiences with managers, the ones that stood out as being the strongest leaders, were the ones I could trust. They were dependable. If you did a good job, they recognized you; if you messed up, they called you out and showed you how to do better; if they messed up, they owned up to it.
Now, that's just from my personal experience. I want to hear from you all. Do you have any managers you worked for who were strong leaders? What about their leadership stood out to you?
Atlas Clayton
What makes a good leader
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