What motivates you?
Let’s be honest, staying motivated isn’t always easy. Whether it's your personal life or at work. Some days motivation comes easy, other days, even the simplest tasks can feel insurmountable.
So, how do we stay motivated on those hard days? For me, I try to find ways that I can genuinely make a difference. Like giving a hand to a coworker who's working on a difficult task, or something as simple as bringing in coffee or donuts for everyone to start everyone's days off with a smile and a treat. Knowing that I’m playing a part in creating a friendly, supportive work environment keeps me going, even when things get overwhelming.
But I’ll admit, there are days when work feels heavy. On those days, I lean on small wins—like checking off an item on a to-do list, learning something new, or simply knowing that I’ve helped one person feel heard.
What about you? What keeps you motivated, and how do you push through the tough days? I’d love to hear your experiences!
Atlas Clayton
What motivates you?
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