ICE Basketball Training Group
Public group
70 members
Welcome to the ICE Basketball Community!
Here are the 3 main things you'll get by joining:
1) Free online training and tips to help you get the most out of your practice time
2) Connections to pickup games and AAU Opportunities
3) Connections to other players that will help you reach your ultimate potential as a basketball player.
A rule for life: the more you engage, the more you'll get out of it!
Don't be afraid to ask questions, or even give suggestions to others in a constructive way. We can be competitive and still help each other get better. In fact, when you help others get better, it tends to make you better as well.
So jump in! You can get so much out of simply asking for feedback and we'll help as much as we can.
Let's get to work!
ICE Basketball Training Group
A community of players, parents and coaches that help each other get the best out of their training and basketball goals!
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