IT Heroes
Private group
4 members
$69 /month
The #1 community for all IT and tech employees, who are ready to take their skills or knowledge in tech and become 6 figure IT Consultants!
This is for the tech support newbie looking to start their own tech consulting business or the person who has an existing IT side hustle and looking to take it to the next level.
What Is Included In This Community:
  • Bi Weekly Group Strategy Calls, Q&A Calls and Coaching With Me 👩🏽‍💻
  • Video Course: Creating a 6 Figure IT Consulting Business 🎓
  • Exclusive Interviews with 6 Figure IT Consultants 🎙️
  • Business Proposal Audits✅
  • How To Turn Your Tech Skills Into Offers💰
  • How To Find Your Ideal Client🤑
  • Cold Outreach Strategies and Templates 📈
  • Done For You New Business Proposal Templates💰
  • How To Create Upsell Opportunities for Existing Clients📸
  • Accountability Partners 👯‍♀️
  • All The Tools That Helped Me Scale and Manage My Clients 🛠️
  • Community Ranking & Rewards System ⭐️
***300 Members Only***
  • 1 - 50 Members - $69
  • 50 - 100 Members - $129
  • 100 - 150 Members - $189
IT Heroes
A community of IT support and tech employees looking to become 6 figure IT Consultants and run their own 6 figure consulting business from anywhere.
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