How to Build the Perfect MCAT Routine
1. Developing Good Study Habits and Discipline: Learn how to focus on developing the right mindset and habits.
2. Leveraging a Daily Learning Routine: Know the importance of setting a specific time and duration to study.
3. Building a Strong Mindset: Learn how to establish good study habits and routines to help you prepare effectively for the MCAT.
饾棭饾椂饾棻饾棽饾椉 饾棫饾椏饾棶饾椈饾榾饾棸饾椏饾椂饾椊饾榿:
Think of the 28 day as
like a foundation that we set you.
It's the initial knowing part,
and then the more important part
is you keep on coming back,
and we help you apply those things
that you've learned and the techniques
and the memory techniques
and the learning techniques
that you learned to your MCAT.
It's good that you're doing MCAT
because I've done quite a lot of biological stuff,
biochemical stuff.
So then I can use certain examples
because I can see here the amino acids,
all that stuff.
I understand already
so I can demonstrate to you
with certain things.
My main focus, I guess, right now
is I just want to get the mindset right.
I want to start to get the habits in place
and then start.
I'm trying to take it more day by day.
I think what you can do is
you're working on your habits, right?
Basically, you want to establish a system
where you can just force not force yourself,
but establish a discipline
where you can just know, okay,
I'm going to sit down for 30 minutes.
I say, I'm going to study for 30 minutes.
I'm going to do it for 30 minutes.
So you can actually tag this along
because are you easily doing
one video a day in terms of the program?
So if you're able to do that,
basically, you can just tie in with that
because you know the trigger,
okay, I'm going to watch a video a day.
I'm going to learn something.
And then now I'm going to set an alarm for it
doesn't have to be half an hour,
even like, 15 minutes.
I'm going to learn a concept
and pick something from there
and just learn it.
And then basically,
just for yourself to just have no distractions
and focus for that 15 minutes to 30 minutes.
And then do that for a week.
And you'll be surprised after a week,
then 2 weeks and 3 weeks,
it becomes just like a kickstart for you,
starting the MCAT.
Does that kind of make sense?
Study Smarter Academy
How to Build the Perfect MCAT Routine
InnerCircle Monthly Mastermind
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