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Final Drop in Session in 1 min
Link: This is the final drop in session and the skool community will be shut down after 31st Dec 2023 Lifetime members will still have access to the Teachable content on You are also welcome to add my facebook "Hugo Lau" if you wish to ask me any questions or want ongoing advice from me Otherwise hope you've all had a great Chistmas and upcoming Happy new year. It has been a pleasure working with all of you! Kind regards, Dr Hugo
New comment Dec '23
(2nd to last) Drop in session happening now
Reminder: Drop in session 2 hours earlier tomorrow
Drop in session 2 hours earlier tomorrow
New comment Nov '23
Drop in session 1 hour earlier this week
Just a quick reminder that this week's drop in session starts 1 hour earlier - check your app/online to see when this is correlating to your timezone.
Are you in the wrong career?
Summary: Aligning Values and Desires: To lead a fulfilling life, it's essential to align your values with your desires. When your values and goals are in sync, you can tackle meaningful challenges step by step, leading to a sense of fulfillment. Shifting Hierarchy of Values: Your hierarchy of values can change over time due to various influences, including upbringing, experiences, and role models. What you desire and prioritize can evolve as you grow, and it's crucial to be aware of these shifts. Desire as a Motivator: Deep, intrinsic desire is a powerful motivator that helps overcome procrastination and fuels dedicated efforts. External pressures or expectations can lead to burnout and unhappiness if they don't align with your true desires and values. It's important to fully understand and embrace your chosen path for lasting satisfaction. Video Transcript: We've got all these voids that creates our desires, to shape our actions, to go and achieve. When we have our values that aligns, to chase those voids, that has meaningful challenges that we can step by step overcome and gives us fulfillment, that's probably the best path to continue in life for me. Normally my hierarchy of values is pride. And I know it sounds bad, but greed I just want to preface this. Nothing is bad. It's how you use it. It's like all your values are double edged sword. Everyone has traits of all of the values talked about. It's how you use it and how you benefit other people and yourself. That makes it good or bad. And also when you actually take a step back and look at all the events that have actually happened, there is as much good and also there is as much bad in every single event that has happened in your life. The reason why you see certain events as bad in your life, for example, there is a past negative perceived event that happened to you that you haven't consciously gone back and seen positive sides of that because if you actually go and look back at it, everything's synthesized very
Are you in the wrong career?
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