Say Goodbye to Boring Study Sessions!
Video Summary:
Make Studying Fun with Friends:
Studying can be boring, but if you turn it into a game and study with friends or people you know, it becomes more enjoyable and you can help each other stay on track.
Focus on Understanding Concepts:
The most important thing is to understand the main ideas and concepts during your study sessions. When you really get the concepts, they stick in your brain for a long time, and you won't have to study them as much later on.
Use 3D Learning and Accountability:
Try to learn in a way that involves understanding things deeply (3D learning). Also, find an accountability group or friends to study with—they will help you stay motivated and make studying more enjoyable.
Video Transcript:
Because studying sucks for most of the
time because it's such a boring activity.
But if you're able to make it a game and involve
a couple of friends or people that you met and go,
hey, if you're able to search on forums, people close to
you that are doing MCAT and are about the same intelligence
level as you, that's the best thing that can happen to
you because it becomes a really fun thing.
Like you keep each other accountable, you won't
fall off and it's just become fun.
The 80/20 is to focus on how
well you learn information and how well it
is installing in your brain the first time.
Because if the first time is done well, you
don't need to go back to it anymore.
That's the gold standard.
But obviously we have fading memory.
That's the nature of our brain.
But if you get concepts, they really just
stick on for months and months on end.
That's why I studied much less in
med school, because I focused on understanding concepts.
The facts, all that other stuff,
like, where does this attach to that?
You're going to forget it.
You can shove your brain with that for two
weeks and then you're going to forget afterwards.
So I never focused on that.
Does that kind of make sense?
But there's the HILE Method if you
really need to do facts well.
Yeah, that's where I'm at. What were your thoughts?
Yeah, so, Dr. Hugo,
in summary, it sounds in order to solve the
problem in general is just focus on 3D learning.
That's it. You got it. Cool. Yeah.
And the good news is I am on that track right now.
I actually just went from transcripting
notes to doing mind maps. So I'm getting there.
That's where I am, right.
So I guess keep doing. And you can keep trying.
If mind maps are not working well, you can
be talking to Chat GPT, like there's a module
on the program right now you can access.
Can you make use of that?
And then can you be finding an accountability group?
This is the next 80/20 for you
because studying sucks for most of the time
because it's such a boring activity.
But if you're able to make it a game and involve
a couple of friends or people that you met and go,
hey, if you're able to search on forums, people close to
you that are doing MCAT and are about the same intelligence
level as you, that's the best thing that can happen to
you because it becomes a really fun thing.
Like you keep each other accountable, you won't
fall off and it's just become fun.
You're learning together, just having a fun time.
I hope you're able to find
an accountability group for yourself as well.
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