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Consistently getting views
Well, I finally was able to gain traction on one of my TikTok videos. It wasn’t the one I expected as it wasn’t promoting my business but it was controversial enough to get people talking so it amassed some views. How do I keep getting these results consistently without having controversy? Still trying to figure out my niche on here.
New comment May 29
Consistently getting views
Online Courses
I really want to sell a nutrition course and/or some course focused on general wellness for individuals who are on the autism spectrum and have sensory issues when it comes to food. I want to make meal prep/ eating healthy into a fun activity using mindfulness techniques from the SOS approach to feeding but applied to adults. That being said, what platform could I use to turn this into a course?
New comment Apr 30
Online Coaching
Is the online coaching field oversaturated? I want to help people and provide a service but how can I make it unique?
New comment Apr 30
LinkedIn Update
So far the receptivity has been positive. I got 238 impression on one video. I am doing short videos with a content (aka caption) and so far I have gotten faster impressions than what I did with posts alone. It seems that people are receiving this format well. Stay tuned!
New comment Apr 28
I'm giving LinkedIn an IG infusion
I am not sure how this is going to work! For what I've seen after spending some good time with LinkedIn is that professionals and entrepreneurs are looking for fresh ideas and content and are actually tired of the "canned connection" requests... Actually there is a lot of frustration around this! This to say that I am going to adventure and I am going to add short videos with some engaging conversation to see how it goes... I am giving LinkedIn an IG infusion! Will I fail? Maybe! Will I succeed? Maybe! I know the audience is asking for something different, so why not... Will report back to see how it went!
New comment Apr 21
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Scaling With Social Media
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