🚨Big changes coming...
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this community and the value that I could bring to it, and I can't help but feel like I am not providing as much value as I can.
With much introspection, I have decided to niche further down by serving introverts that work a 9-5 job. This is literally the path that I am currently on, and having worked 5 years in customer services as an introvert, my journey has been a rollercoaster. I've encountered problems that I've had the opportunity to resolve myself and I want to share that by building a community that would have helped me at the start of my corporate journey.
This is only a stage though. Because of how niched this market is, I will only serve "9-5 introverts" for a short while before I exhaust this niche and branch out to all introverts!πŸ˜…
I know a lot of you might be turned off with all the posts talking about the working class but I believe this community will still be valuable to all introverts. I know I invited most of you and I would appreciate that y'all stay but should you want to leave, I can fully respect that. My friend is also running a Skool Community for introverts so maybe check it out here.
T Nkosi
🚨Big changes coming...
The Introverse
Learn how to articulate yourself confidently without exhausting your social battery from a global network of introverted professionals!⚑
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