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Solitude Sundays is happening in 17 days
🚨HUGE Announcement: FREE Gift Valued at $999, JUST FOR YOU!🎁
Today marks the official launch of my program: “Quiet Confidence” Which is a 30-day 1-on-1 coaching program designed to align you with a more confident version of yourself, enabling you to assert yourself in any conversation without sacrificing your authenticity. To celebrate, I want to give ONE of you guys this coaching ENTIRELY for FREE.🤗 Yep, you'll get: ✅Up to 4 in-depth coaching calls ✅Techniques for clear and concise communication ✅A personalized self-care routine to maintain and recharge your social battery ✅A bit of role-play😉 ✅An extensive list of resources tailored to help you on your quiet-confidence journey ✅24-hour private chat support from me. ALL FOR FREE! This is the protocol that took me from being knee-shakingly anxious to being mistaken for an extrovert! (SERIOUSLY)😂 ⚠️BUT!⚠️ I just wanna be upfront and honest with you. Not all of you will be qualified to take on this protocol. There’s a SPECIFIC type of person I’m looking for: Action takers! If you plan on doing nothing. I can already tell you your results - NOTHING. So, if that's you, DO NOT APPLY🚫 But, if you’re tired of: ❌People invading your boundaries ❌A constantly low social battery ❌Being overlooked and undervalued ❌Constantly being misunderstood by people ❌Being anxious and not being able to “live in the present moment” in conversations AND: All that pain outweighs the pain of learning how to overcome ALL these problems, go ahead and book in a time on my calendar so we can chat and find out if this is the right fit for you.
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🚨HUGE Announcement: FREE Gift Valued at $999, JUST FOR YOU!🎁
📢NEW Event On The Calendar!📢
Have you checked out our community calendar lately? Something’s different!👀 I would like to introduce “Solitude Sundays”🙌 One of the biggest problems we face as introverts is that we suffer from REALLY low social batteries and feel drained after only a few interactions. What I have learned from staying indoors during weekends and doing something meaningful to me is that doing stuff alone SUPERCHARGES me!🔋⚡ I get this sense of fulfillment, especially when I manage to get shit done. This allows me to walk into the office on Monday morning feeling like a new man. Not only that, but I approach conversations with my colleagues with more confidence, allowing me to be more assertive. I’ve also found that my social battery lasts a bit longer when I’m feeling fulfilled. 🚨WE FEEL DRAINED BECAUSE WE DON’T FEED OUR INNER WORLD!🚨 🚨WE FEEL DRAINED BECAUSE WE DON’T FEED OUR INNER WORLD!🚨 🚨WE FEEL DRAINED BECAUSE WE DON’T FEED OUR INNER WORLD!🚨 So, I would like to share this feeling of fulfillment with you guys through our weekly Solitude Sundays protocol: 1. Every Sunday try to spend most/your whole day alone. 2. Do something fulfilling. (Work, study, meditation, exercise, journal, or any variation/combination of these) 3. At the end of our Sunday, we can all log into our metaverse and talk about our experience. (Yes, you can keep your camera and mic off if you want) This is something I want us to actively participate in every Sunday in our personal lives. If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this post, it’s that. I chose Sundays for this protocol because most of us are away from school/work on that day and have time to ourselves to prepare for the week ahead. Meet me in the Metaverse next Sunday at 6PM CAT! Save it on your calendar and comment "⚡" when you're done!
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New comment Jun 25
📢NEW Event On The Calendar!📢
Introducing 1 on 1 Coaching Calls🤝
There's only so much you can do with DIY (Do-It-Yourself) services like online courses and communities. You will still need to take the lessons you learn and implement them into your personal situation, and unfortunately, there's a lot of nuance there. This inevitably results in you spending a lot of time and energy trying to figure out how to make what you learned work for YOUR situation.⌛ Unfortunately, we only have a limited amount of time and energy in this world.⚡ This is why I'm now offering 1 on 1 coaching services.🤝 This is a DWY (Done-With-You) service where we look at your current situation, desired situation and come up with a PERSONALIZED solution to SOLVE your UNIQUE problem.🧩 This saves you valuable time and effort that you don't need to waste through trial and error because your hand is being held throughout your journey by someone who has walked your path before and will hold you ACCOUNTABLE to the goals you set for YOURSELF.👫 This is how committed I am to helping you achieve your goals.🏆 If it were possible, I would have taken it a step further by offering you a DFY (Done-For-You) solution but I can't really be confident, energized, and socialize for you now can I? Exactly! To claim your package, head over to our classroom. You will notice that there are 2 similar packages. (1-1 Coaching x4 & 1-1 Coaching x12) The first package is designed to help you solve ONE BIG PROBLEM related to introversion in your life over the span of 4 weeks. The second package is designed to help you get a better understanding of the dynamics of introversion in the workplace and to align you with the best framework for you to thrive in your professional life. 🎁BONUS: I am also offering a FREE no-obligations discovery call to all community members who comment "⚡" under this post. (This also gives you an additional call if you choose to take up any of the coaching packages, but again, no pressure!)
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Introducing 1 on 1 Coaching Calls🤝
Our Very Own Metaverse??!
As much as we enjoy our solitude, us introverts sometimes yearn for social interactions and making genuine connections. This is why I’ve built a virtual office for our community members to interact and talk about the common problems we face in our day-to-day, what other members recommend, or simply just to have some polite banter.🤪 Introducing, The Introverse Metaverse!🙌 You can access our metaverse here or you can find the link under the community tab right under our group description. (Only available on desktop.) Our metaverse is also accessible via the Gather mobile app but with limited functionality. (I highly recommend you access it on desktop to get the full experience!) The Introverse Metaverse offers you: 1. Private working spaces👨‍💻 2. Co-working spaces👨‍💻👩‍💻 3. Interact with other group members in a Zoom-like setting🧑‍💻👩 4. Conference rooms for group calls (Coming soon)👥 5. Fun and competitive games (Chess, Go-carting, Battle Tetris, etc.)🎮 P.S. I will be available to chat in our Metaverse all day today. Feel free to join me: P.P.S. There is a weekly event I’ll introduce later this week and will be hosted for the first time in our Metaverse on Sunday, the 23rd of June.📅 Keep an eye out for this post and watch out for this event on our calendar
Our Very Own Metaverse??!
I'm going to see Robert Kiyosaki LIVE this weekend…
A couple of months ago, I found out that author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, Robert Kiyosaki, is coming to my city in South Africa this weekend. I immediately bought the tickets! Not too long ago, I would buy tickets to concerts and attended shows headlined by artists: Migos, Gunna, Meek Mill, Lil Yachty etc. (Yes, I'm a Hip-hop head) I had just started at my first full-time job and I used these concerts as an escape from the monotony of a 9-5 job. I never imagined myself attending “boring” events such as seminars. Inevitably, I reached a point where I had to confront my shortcomings and prioritize what mattered. I saw this seminar as my opportunity to grow out of my comfort zone and network with like-minded individuals. So, I bought 2 tickets for my girlfriend and I to do just that and invest in our financial future. I'll let you guys know how the event goes. Happy Friday!
New comment May 26
I'm going to see Robert Kiyosaki LIVE this weekend…
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The Introverse
Learn how to articulate yourself confidently without exhausting your social battery from a global network of introverted professionals!⚡
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