Aug 6 (edited) in 📢Announcements
🚨HUGE Announcement: FREE Gift Valued at $999, JUST FOR YOU!🎁
Today marks the official launch of my program: “Quiet Confidence”
Which is a 30-day 1-on-1 coaching program designed to align you with a more confident version of yourself, enabling you to assert yourself in any conversation without sacrificing your authenticity.
To celebrate, I want to give ONE of you guys this coaching ENTIRELY for FREE.🤗
Yep, you'll get:
✅Up to 4 in-depth coaching calls
✅Techniques for clear and concise communication
✅A personalized self-care routine to maintain and recharge your social battery
✅A bit of role-play😉
✅An extensive list of resources tailored to help you on your quiet-confidence journey
✅24-hour private chat support from me.
This is the protocol that took me from being knee-shakingly anxious to being mistaken for an extrovert! (SERIOUSLY)😂
I just wanna be upfront and honest with you.
Not all of you will be qualified to take on this protocol.
There’s a SPECIFIC type of person I’m looking for:
Action takers!
If you plan on doing nothing. I can already tell you your results - NOTHING. So, if that's you, DO NOT APPLY🚫
But, if you’re tired of:
❌People invading your boundaries
❌A constantly low social battery
❌Being overlooked and undervalued
❌Constantly being misunderstood by people
❌Being anxious and not being able to “live in the present moment” in conversations
All that pain outweighs the pain of learning how to overcome ALL these problems, go ahead and book in a time on my calendar so we can chat and find out if this is the right fit for you.
Complete action
T Nkosi
🚨HUGE Announcement: FREE Gift Valued at $999, JUST FOR YOU!🎁
The Introverse
Learn how to articulate yourself confidently without exhausting your social battery from a global network of introverted professionals!⚡
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