What Is Your Biggest Milestone So Far?
Im curios as to what your milestones you have surpassed may be as of the here and now? I thought the other day when I managed to do a $3900 trade in 10 minutes was so awesome. But todau I hit a milestone so much bigger than that so I wanted to share it with you.
I now know that the biggest milestone you can ever accomplish is to get over your emotional factor. I know we are taught that here but that doesn't mean it is immediately available just because we know the textbook answer...It is a practiced behavior and today was the first day I kjnow I have it all under control. I decided I was only going to make $1000 on the day without a drawback and left uit as it was unless there was a star alignment that said I could grab another small amount. Me doing this caused me to lose an amazing "Emotional trade that didnt have the stars aligning but made its own decision because it didnt care to let me know but I still won, because I didnt give in.
So today is my best day of trading because I did it all with logic and no emotion...good day!!!
Glenn Ingraham
What Is Your Biggest Milestone So Far?
InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
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