Hi Guys, I know Im going ot hear the words "You dont need a copier until you get paid" but im getting to the point where I know I will have multiple account's so I am trying to study6 out what I need to do. I see that they "SAY" you can use this with Tradeavate but then see no place in their videos or instructions for anything but NT8. I know if you already have the copier and you have Tradavate, then it is easy for you but I bet with no instructions it was hard at first so I would like to hear from someone who actually uses the copier and may know what we are to do. Again...I just like to be prepared for the very near future and not do this the day I need it rather than have in installed incorrectly and it screw me up. There are no instructions on videos prior to purchase so do you only get to learn them once you purchase when it comes to Tradeavate. Secondary...If this makes it to you Kyle, can you do a learning video on it in the future or again, point out one that has proper instructions so I can do some pre work please...I dont want to have to go get another broker account to do this when I have already bout my accounts through the Tradeavate. If I need to sacrifice my passed accounts to get the copier then I better do it now rather than later and start all over again with NT8 Thanks guys