Making Things Easier
Public group
1 member
Welcome to Making Things Easier
We aim to find as many techniques as possible to reduce the friction of completing essential but mundane tasks.
Many of us seem to live life on Hard mode, and of course, this isn't all in our control but there are steps we can take, things we can do to make the important but boring tasks a lot easier.
We want a strong community that can feel free to share the struggles and challenges they want to overcome and for productive and simple solutions to make lives easier.
Reducing the effort can be done in multiple ways: making a task easier to complete and taking up less time. create a fulfilling way to complete the task, like turning a tedious process into a game, and many more.
Overall, we want to make more free time and make our hours working not feel so much like work, so let's turn the difficulty down and come together to make all our lives a bit easier.
Welcome to Making Things Easier, where we take everyday tasks, and future goals and find techniques to take away the effort required to complete them.
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