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Handraisers for Social Media Growth
Created a quick guide on handraisers in the X Growth Challenge But this is incredibly valuable for all social media: • TikTok • Instagram • YouTube Check it out AND let me know what else you all want to learn. If you'd prefer to get these updates to your email, sign up here
My Main Takeaway from 7 1M+ posts
Just upload, you can never truly predict what goes viral. Don't let self doubt get in the way. Create and let the market decide what is good. I almost didn't upload half of my major successes because of self-doubt.
My Main Takeaway from 7 1M+ posts
What can I teach you about Content Creation?
Yo yo, as I am also new to my make money completely remote journey, I will show you what has worked for me and what has completely failed (there has been a lot of failing hahaha). For example, I made close to 1k bad videos so you don't have to lol To package and share my learnings, I'm putting together some guides and SOPs on content creation that have helped me: - Finding competitors / inspiration to emulate - Hiring Editor - Managing editors - Managing a Social Media VA to do posting vs using a content autoposter/scheduler - Repurposing content across platforms - Creating YouTube Content - Checklist for recording - .... If you have any specific questions on these topics, let me know and I'll be sure to cover them. Credibility: - Launched: 3 Different YouTube Channels - Launched: 3 Different Instagrams - Launched: 2 Different TikToks - Created 1k videos between long form and short form - Gained over 100k+ followers on a couple account I ran with my ex. - Just launched a podcast for 2 ex-newscasters (more on this coming soon).
New comment Nov '23
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Sharing content creation & monetization tips to grow your brand
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