Yoga Badass Academy Bootcamp Program
Private Course
Yoga Badass Academy Bootcamp Program
In this 8-week course, we focus on the basic foundations - and the real badassery - behind yoga poses that will rock your world. Get to know content that yoga teacher and more advanced students know. Join us as we take a deep dive into the world of forward folds, twists, backbends, balance poses (arm balances too!), inversions, and everything in between. Get to know your body - and mind - like you haven't before. Break down pranayama and mediation, and be a part of a yoga philosophy experience through a book read. In this course we are reading Deborah Adele's Yamas & Niyamas; each week we discuss a new section of the book. Feel free to skip ahead and find yourself devouring the content!
Yoga on Demand - Badassery at Home
Private Course
Yoga on Demand - Badassery at Home
So many classes, so little time. In fact, that's the main reason for Yoga on Demand - I'm brining the Badassery to YOU. So many of my students have difficulty making it to classes. Rushing to yoga is a real struggle in today's world, but it doesn't have to be. Now all you need to do is choose the video you'd like to try and UPLEVEL YOUR BADASSERY in the comfort of your home or office. Are you interested in strengthening your core? How about your upper body, or legs? How about gaining more flexibility in the hips or shoulders? Or taking a new class and get inspired again? Let's do this thing.
FREE Private Session
Unlock at Level 5
FREE Private Session
Either online or in-person! Once you unlock this, head over to my calendar (at []( and set up a time to work with me! You've earned it. Do make sure to let me know what you'd like to work on!
Learn Anapanasati Meditation Technique
Unlock at Level 2
Learn Anapanasati Meditation Technique
Calm the mind with this simple but profound technique. Practice 5 minutes a day, and feel your life change.
Strength & Flexibility for Confident Inversions
Unlock at Level 3
Strength & Flexibility for Confident Inversions
Do you need overall strength & flexibility? Do you eventually want to feel confident going upside-down? Do this 20 minute practice 3+ times each week for best results.
Yoga Series for Improved & SAFE Backbends
Unlock at Level 4
Yoga Series for Improved & SAFE Backbends
Do you need a greater range of motion? How about increased strength and flexibility overall in order to feel like a your backbends will finally feel free? Take this 3-part course to increase your overall backbend abilities and get into your spine, hips, and shoulders!
Yoga Day of Transformation #1: Advanced Yoga
Unlock at Level 6
Yoga Day of Transformation #1: Advanced Yoga
Take Ashtanga Vinyasa, participate in journaling exercises, and learn about how to stay safe in advanced asana. Yoga philosophy discussions and afternoon workshops all contributed to this amazing day. The morning sessions of this Yoga Day of Transformation has an Ashtanga-inspired flow class intended for more intermediate and advanced practitioners of yogaasana. Practice pranayama and meditation as well as journaling to round out the morning. The afternoon sessions consist of a yoga philosophy discussion, and a workshop on staying safe in advanced yoga asana. The Yoga Day of Transformation is a beautiful community gathering that came from the first year of Covid. In it, there are yoga classes and workshops designed to bring you a deeper connection overall. This Yoga Day of Transformation is rich with content; expect to learn, study, and enrich your practice.
Masterclass: Yoga + The Work with Byron Katie
Private Course
Masterclass: Yoga + The Work with Byron Katie
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS? Join this Masterclass! *Have you ever set your New Year's Resolutions on January 1, only to find that by January 5 things just weren't working out? *Or, began a new year with the best intentions, only to find they weren't sustainable? *Or, how about this one: on New Year's Eve you tell everyone - your mom, your bff, your partner, your dog, and the tree just outside your bedroom window - that "I'm a changed person!" only to wake up on New Year's Day with the thoughts, "Who am I kidding?!?" running through your head? Friends, I've been there....ALL of these have happened to me, too. Listen, I didn't go to therapy on a routine basis. When I tried I had to keep it a secret, and when the secret was no more I was guilted out of going. I had no tools to help me, other than faith itself. Yoga was the key to my transformation, but I had to commit to it. And, that was difficult because I didn't have someone who would support that either. But, in order to create lasting change, I knew I actually had to dig in, and change from the inside. I had to do my own inner work, no matter what. In order to fully find change, I actually had to take myself seriously - and deeply dig into the real work - in order for the changes to stick. And, the lessons I learned had to be on repeat - over and over again - until real transformation happened (sounds a lot like yoga, right?). The Work begins with intention setting and manifesting your desires, just like a New Year's resolution. Then we work to literally rewire our thinking so that our perception shifts around a problem we have, or a desire we wish to reach, or a struggle that needs figuring out. When we have struggle (what's YOURS?), we literally have to turn them on their ugly heads until a new realization appears. People, THAT'S REAL CHANGE. Think quantum shifting. And, yoga plays such a huge role. How will you create lasting changes this year? Let us know in the comments below. Much love, Jenni Sol
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