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How to have good days at BJJ
There's no such thing as "oh, today was just a bad day" Your day, good or bad, is dependent on you So don't be a dumbass and do things to make it a bad day So how do we do that? First things first, to make sure I have a good day, and perform good, we need to make sure our diet is in check, typically I wouldn't eat a full on meal around 3 hours before, so I train around 6:30, so I don't have a big meal anywhere around after 3PM, The only food I have is some carbs, maybe like oats or some fruit, or rice, around an hour before training, which is fine, as long as it's not too much of course. And speaking of, don't train hypertrophy around maybe 3-4 hours before class as well. Another thing I do, is a meditation before class, and just sit and focus on y breath, or thoughts about Jiu-jitsu, to get into the mood. That's something that's helped me a lot, so I highly recommend it. Maybe think of ways to submit someone, or take them down, imagine yourself doing something at BJJ, and having a good day, it's been shown that visualizations can help with trying do do something, if you visualize your self doing a flip, in very good detail, you'll be more likely to do it. Look up Psycho Cybernetics, it's a book you can read that talks all about this. One last thing, make sure you're getting good sleep, at least 7 hours, to 9 hours of high quality sleep each night. To make sure you get good sleep, sleep in a cold dark room, not looking at any lights around an hour before bed, staying away form screens, and tech in general. Hope this helped, comment W if this post was VALUE!!!
How to have good days at BJJ
My Favorite thing about Jiu-Jitsu
Something I learned pretty recently about BJJ, is the fact that whether you have Bad Cardio Bad Strength You can still be pretty good Now of course if you're in the position that I was in a year and a half ago, where I was pretty skinny Then you'd need to add some weight for sure But even then Whilst speed and strength are corner stones of Jiu-Jitsu There're not the reason why Jiu-jitsu works Jiu-Jitsu was made to use other peoples strength against themselves And there comes a certain point in BJJ, where you learn to control your speed and strength the right way, and be able to beat someone who's stronger, and faster, but you seem to be stronger and faster to them, because you know how to control your speed and strength the right way. And that's what I love about Jiu-jitsu Is that you can learn a new form of mind to body connection, that is very powerful Same with wrestling I assume But I do BJJ Hopefully this post helps And one thing I want everyone to take away is that No matter how bad your cardio, or strength is Unless you look like you're starving You can beat anyone with superior technique Comment W if this post was Value!!!
My Favorite thing about Jiu-Jitsu
How many tournaments have you done and won?
Comment below, curious to know how many tournaments y'all have done, and won, I've lost both the ones I did, got 3rd tho at the first one cuz my bracket only had me and 2 other ppl😢
How many tournaments have you done and won?
Competition Prep
Not as a question for help, but I do wanna know, what do you do to get ready for a tournament? what do you eat, do, what habits, whatever, what do you do? Comment below👇
Success is not about winning...
If you're familiar with Charlie Morgan, Which I'm assuming you're not But if you've seen his content, you've probably heard him say this "Your first year of business, or of anything, is not about winning, it's about not quitting" And that's the whole point of this post The point of success is that you're not supposed to win You're just not supposed to quit I'm not gonna lie to you I do get distracted here and there But I always remember that as long as I don't get distracted, I'm staying focused The whole point is not to focus It's to not get Distracted It's easier for our brains to think of the negative side of things, instead of the positive So think of things you shouldn't do And don't do them Easy, Right? So if you want to get better at wrestling Think of the stupid shit that you could do during a match And don't do it Same for BJJ Same for every martial art Same for EVERYTHING Comment W if this post was value!!!
Success is not about winning...
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