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Kickin ass
Hey everyone, I hope youre having a kick ass week of kickin ass!! Is anyone working on any real estate projects?
Hey josh
i’ve been wondering where would you recommend that we can learn your skill set of growing certain peoples social medias, i’m guessing youtube but you might have other insights
New comment May 8
Other social medias?
Josh, I've been wondering if you have or plan to have any other social medias where we can keep up w you? Telegram, IG, Twitter?
New comment May 8
Creating content that lasts…
Hey y’all, I’m new to community and excited to be here. Josh, you mentioned that one of your clients has YouTube content that doesn’t just ‘pop’ when it releases but viewership grows overtime without him creating new content. What are the things that he does differently than other YouTubers who have to keep releasing new content every week?
New comment May 5
Is Learning SEO a good skill?
I’m indecisive about which skill to put all my focus on in thinking SEO because i already have a decent understanding but i also wanna double down on marketing what do you guys think?
New comment May 5
1-16 of 16
Josh Lessard
for people who know they have been failed but the current education system, but don't know what to do with their life
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