How to Stay Motivated Year Round (kinda)
Motivation will always come and go, losing weight has little to do with how motivated you feel moment to moment - it gets you started but doesn't last that long. Relying only on motivation will put you in an emotional + physical yo-yo cycle that leaves you depleted. Just look at what everyone says they will do January 1st vs what they actually do just a few weeks later to see how reliable motivation actually is.
7 ways to keep moving forward when you have no motivation:
  1. Have a deep reason: A deep reason has increased my clients odds of hitting their weight goal by 80%. In 2019 my girlfriend's younger sister passed away, just the mental image of Crystal was enough to keep us going when we were broke living in a studio apartment, sleeping on the floor. A deeper why is a failsafe to squeeze out some will power when you have nothing left in the tank.
This deep reason has to be simple, a phrase or a picture you can quickly remember when things get tough, there's no sure way to find out your deep reason but here's some tools to help!
  • The Transformation Blueprint walks you through my process that I use with each of my clients
  • When you have your biggest successes or failures, who do you want to talk to about them? Why?
  • Think back to a time when someone truly cared about and helped you. Imagine that person watching you in one of your most difficult moments. What do you want them to see?
Most people skip this step, and most people don't succeed in reaching their health goals. This is tough deep work to do, but it is worth it! I cannot stress that enough.
2. Tolerate discomfort and make it meaningful: Discomfort isn't to be avoided, it must be leaned into. It's a prerequisite for growth and the quicker you come to terms with it, the easier it is to welcome. Plus, now with your deep reason, this discomfort will take on a new meaning and you'll soon seek it out
3. Systems > Motivation + Willpower: A system can be a workout partner, scheduled into your calendar, keeping nutritious food easy to access and less nutritious food hard to reach, auto-ship instacart/amazon, meal prep services, etc. Systems help us prioritize what to do and when to do it. They also remove a lot of the effort and willpower we think are required to get things done.
4. Separate thoughts/feelings from identity: Your thoughts are not you and do not define you, thoughts are just that - thoughts and aren't absolute truth. Cognitive diffusion is a skill that can be built with meditation, labeling your thoughts(such as writing down your unhelpful thoughts), visualizing your thoughts as objects (ie "spearing" out the poisonous fish, washing away with the river), and focusing on the present.
5. Change behavior to change feelings: Special Ops uses the phrase "finish out today - quit tomorrow" to build momentum. The rule was to never quit in the middle, and looking back on the moment that made them want to quit, realize it wasn't so bad - and feel good about the decision to continue.
6. Use low moments to your advantage: When we get into a state of disturbance, your subconscious mind assesses:
  • What is happening?
  • Can I cope with this?
Every person eventually forms the same lesson through life-experience: No matter how many bad things you went through in the past, you were still alive when they were over. The more low moments you have the more you're able to deal with future stressful times. "Failures" are opportunities - one day your subconscious will deeply know "been there, done that" and youll be able to move forward, calmly.
7. View life as a video game: just like a game - in life you get to choose which skills you have. Each and any process is a skill that can be developed over time, and in three steps
  • Identify what went wrong
  • Pick it apart, what was going on in your mind, what were you doing and why?
  • Decide on something specific that could help in a similar situation in the future
  • I missed my morning workout - I woke up at 5am but went back to bed.
  • I told myself that im tired, i don't want to workout, and its okay if I go back to sleep
  • Next time I will tell myself that im supposed to feel tired when im waking up, and that this is a necessary step to getting to my goals
Motivation is an outcome, not the starting spot. When you act in accordance to your goals and you get the tiniest bit of progress, it'll motivate you some to continue, then leave you again. You can't control motivation, so don't try to.
Juwan Lockett
How to Stay Motivated Year Round (kinda)
Seamless Body Transformation
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