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🔑 🔓 New Free Bonus Courses [How To Unlock It]
I have created some more advanced courses for you as your next steps once you have finished the “Start Here” course. These courses will help you with some advanced techniques ,”Mind + Body Hacks” I’ve learned along the way. Supercharging your progress towards your goals. There are two ways to unlock the extra courses. 1. Sign up for a discovery call with Juwan - after the call ALL courses will unlock 2. Level up on the Leaderboard Level up the Leaderboard to unlock the courses one-by-one. How it works: - Points - You earn points when other members like your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point. This encourages users to produce quality content and interact with other members in their community. - Levels - As you gain points, you level up and unlock the courses. Your level is shown at the bottom right of your avatar. The number of points required to get to the next level is shown under your avatar on your profile page. Not sure what to post yet? Ask detailed questions, share your wins, offer advice and things you find to be working, share your breakthroughs! Post a gratitude post about a member that you have connected with who has inspired you, helped you, held you accountable. Don’t forget to give more, because you will certainly get more in return when you do… Like other people’s posts, comment on their posts, and like all their comments… This is how we ALL WIN TOGETHER! 🙌🏾 Thank you for your contributions here. The more I see of this, the better and better I will be making the community and over delivering 🙏🏾 #givefirst below if you are committed to contributing to the community with a give first approach 👇🏾
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New comment 30d ago
Step 1: Welcome to Seamless Body Transformation **IMPORTANT LINKS**
Welcome to Your First Step Towards Realizing Your Goals – The Right Way! 🏆 Our Mission: To empower you with a clear pathway to not only define your life and health goals but also equip you with the actionable tools and unwavering support needed to achieve them. With 5 years of experience as a personal trainer and health coach, I’ve guided everyone from multimillion-dollar CEOs seeking enhanced health and productivity, to athletes aiming to conquer pain and increase their speed, strength and power. I understand the hurdles you’re facing and am here to navigate you through them. Here’s What I Offer: - A streamlined process designed for your success, breaking down complex goals into manageable, actionable steps. - Continuous support within this community. Have questions? Need clarity? Post in the “Questions” section and let’s tackle those challenges together. - A space to share your victories and insights, seek advice, and request feedback. Your journey is our collective inspiration. A Simple Request: If you find value in our group, kindly invite two people who would also benefit. Your First Tasks: 1. Comment below one thing you are grateful for today!!! 2. Head over to Step #2 3. Start with the "Start Here" course inside of the classroom to get started I’m thrilled to have you here and can’t wait to see where this journey takes us. Together, let’s turn your aspirations into achievements. Let’s Get to Work! 💪🏾
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New comment 30d ago
Step 2: Are you Making this Mistake?
Everyone has a different reason for joining this community… Maybe it was the free workouts, courses, bonuses, live coaching sessions, free access to my accelerator group, or chance to get 1:1 time with me… I will say this…. What you will find to be FAR MORE VALUABLE than all of that combined is… THE COMMUNITY HERE! If you are making the mistake of not posting your introduction here, you are missing out on so many potential connections and the ability to share your gifts and to receive support from our members. Put yourself out there, let us know… 1. Who you are and where you are from 2. What goals do you have? 3. What can you contribute to this community?(positive vibes is a great answer 😎) 4. What could you use some support with? 5. What are you hoping to get out of joining this community? This will allow you to make some life long connections here and allow us to celebrate you, your gifts, your wins, and support you every way we can along the way. If you have not posted your introduction yet… PLEASE TAKE 2 MINUTES TO GET IS DONE :) IMPORTANT: Let’s help everyone rise up the leaderboard. The more you post, like other people’s posts, comment on posts, and like all their comments…. The more we ALL WIN TOGETHER! Thank you for being here… I am truly grateful for YOU!
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New comment 30d ago
Boost Your Journey with a Tailored Workout Program!
To support you along your journey to better health, I’m offering a workout program designed to help you get strong and mobile in a time-efficient way. Each program comes with detailed form videos to ensure you’re doing each exercise safely and effectively. Choose the program that fits your lifestyle, and I’ll send it over to you! Just reply below with the number of the program you want: 1. No Equipment, 15 Minutes a Day - Perfect for those who want a quick, effective workout with no equipment required. 2. In-Gym, Upper/Lower Split Twice a Week - can be performed on back to back days or separated by a day 3. In-Gym, Total Body Twice a Week - cannot be performed on back to back days. Must be separated by at least a day 4. Home Gym, Total Body Twice a Week - Must be separated by at least a day Reply with your choice, and let’s get you moving toward your goals!
New comment 11d ago
How to Stay Motivated Year Round (kinda)
Motivation will always come and go, losing weight has little to do with how motivated you feel moment to moment - it gets you started but doesn't last that long. Relying only on motivation will put you in an emotional + physical yo-yo cycle that leaves you depleted. Just look at what everyone says they will do January 1st vs what they actually do just a few weeks later to see how reliable motivation actually is. 7 ways to keep moving forward when you have no motivation: 1. Have a deep reason: A deep reason has increased my clients odds of hitting their weight goal by 80%. In 2019 my girlfriend's younger sister passed away, just the mental image of Crystal was enough to keep us going when we were broke living in a studio apartment, sleeping on the floor. A deeper why is a failsafe to squeeze out some will power when you have nothing left in the tank. This deep reason has to be simple, a phrase or a picture you can quickly remember when things get tough, there's no sure way to find out your deep reason but here's some tools to help! - The Transformation Blueprint walks you through my process that I use with each of my clients - When you have your biggest successes or failures, who do you want to talk to about them? Why? - Think back to a time when someone truly cared about and helped you. Imagine that person watching you in one of your most difficult moments. What do you want them to see? Most people skip this step, and most people don't succeed in reaching their health goals. This is tough deep work to do, but it is worth it! I cannot stress that enough. 2. Tolerate discomfort and make it meaningful: Discomfort isn't to be avoided, it must be leaned into. It's a prerequisite for growth and the quicker you come to terms with it, the easier it is to welcome. Plus, now with your deep reason, this discomfort will take on a new meaning and you'll soon seek it out
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Seamless Body Transformation
Master your habits, Transform your body: for CLT men + women 30-45
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