Notifications Management 馃尭
This is really important because nobody wants to feel overloaded with constant notifications! So in this post, I want to show you how to manage your notifications and see only the ones that are important to you:
Step 1: Go to the top right of your page and click on your profile - the icon of your own picture, and click SETTINGS.
Step 2: You'll see a drop down menu on the left, select "Notifications".
Step 3: See USER Notifications and select the options that suit you. When somebody follows you, you probably don't want to get notified by email.
That's going to be kind of annoying if lots of people end up following you on this platform. So, click on "don't notify by email" - unless you want to be notified of course.
Step 4: See GROUP Notifications just under this top section. Here you'll find a list of communities that you have joined.
Select Empowered Professionals Club and click CHANGE. Go through all the different kinds of notifications one by one, and decide which ones you'd like to keep getting, which ones you'd rather see bundled up in a weekly summary, or which ones you'd rather not get at all.
For example, you probably don't want to get notified every time someone likes your comment or your post!
One notification that I suggest you keep on is Admin Announcements, because this is really important so you know about upcoming events, or cool stuff we're doing, or some kind of change to the community. It would be great if you keep these on!
I'd also keep on "Reminders" (choose YES).
Your notification setttings might look a bit different, according to what you personally like to be notified about. But make sure you CHANGE the notification setting of this community to suit YOU and how you'd like to be notified when you show up for this community.
Then if you belong to other communities, click on each one and do the same thing 馃尭
Karen Anne Hope Andrews
Notifications Management 馃尭
Psychotherapy 4 Professionals
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