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What's the #1 thing holding you back?
I want to support each and every one of you to design your life so you can thrive. To do so, your vote will show me where I need to focus to support you most. Even if it's all of these... what is the #1 challenge you're dealing with at the moment? πŸ‘‡ PS. Don't forget to post your introduction under the Introduce Yourself tab under Community. #ActionTakers πŸ™
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Notifications Management 🌸
This is really important because nobody wants to feel overloaded with constant notifications! So in this post, I want to show you how to manage your notifications and see only the ones that are important to you: Step 1: Go to the top right of your page and click on your profile - the icon of your own picture, and click SETTINGS. Step 2: You'll see a drop down menu on the left, select "Notifications". Step 3: See USER Notifications and select the options that suit you. When somebody follows you, you probably don't want to get notified by email. That's going to be kind of annoying if lots of people end up following you on this platform. So, click on "don't notify by email" - unless you want to be notified of course. Step 4: See GROUP Notifications just under this top section. Here you'll find a list of communities that you have joined. Select Empowered Professionals Club and click CHANGE. Go through all the different kinds of notifications one by one, and decide which ones you'd like to keep getting, which ones you'd rather see bundled up in a weekly summary, or which ones you'd rather not get at all. For example, you probably don't want to get notified every time someone likes your comment or your post! One notification that I suggest you keep on is Admin Announcements, because this is really important so you know about upcoming events, or cool stuff we're doing, or some kind of change to the community. It would be great if you keep these on! I'd also keep on "Reminders" (choose YES). Your notification setttings might look a bit different, according to what you personally like to be notified about. But make sure you CHANGE the notification setting of this community to suit YOU and how you'd like to be notified when you show up for this community. Then if you belong to other communities, click on each one and do the same thing 🌸
Get your FREE onboarding call πŸ‘‡
I've always been interested in people and curious about how we can fulfill our potential in this life. As a Clinical Psychologist & Coach, I've been helping Professionals and Entrepreneurs since 2009. To find their CONFIDENCE and to find their JOY! I've spent decades studying psychology, and I continue to study every day. But, as a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) Professional myself, I had to learn the hard way how to be the best version of myself. Bringing up my 2 very different, but both sensitive children.... while building my practice and fulfilling my sense of purpose... was all about the practical implementation of the learning, and I made many mistakes as I went along! I want to help you to short-cut this process and get to the best version part a lot quicker and easier than I did 🌸 As a founding member of this community, I want to offer a 30-minute onboarding call to any member who is looking for some personal guidance, action steps and recommendations. Based on where you are right now. βŒ› These are going to fill up quickly, and I'm not sure how long we will continue to offer them. To reward you for being founding members of this community, you can book your call here πŸ‘ˆ πŸ›‘ To respect my time... If you do book, and have something come up where you cannot make the call and you do not communicate with me in good time, you will not get a second chance. Step 1: You must finish the start here module Step 2: Level up to level 2 on the leaderboard (this only takes 1 post or comment in the community) Step 3: Fill out the form that will be provided to you when you book, so you can make the best use of time on this call Step 4: Book your onboarding call with me here Step 5: Comment "booked" below once you are scheduled
New comment Jul 4
Welcome to the Empowered Professionals & Entrepreneurs Club! [Start Here!] πŸ‘‡
Welcome to our community for Professionals and Entrepreneurs! And congratulations on taking the first steps on your journey to becoming confident and authentic (and making waaaay more money!). I want to empower you with rapid, evidence-based tools and strategies that you can apply to yourself and your life with ease. Not everything has to be a struggle. There are 4 channels in the Community: - General - for sharing insights with the community. - Introduce Yourself (πŸ›‘Β ACTION STEPπŸ›‘Β ) - Share Your Wins - for sharing your wins, no matter how small! - Questions - for any questions you need help answering. - Member Shoutouts - tag someone who's helped you, inspired you, or supported you in some way 🌸 - Testimonials - if you find something helpful in this community, please write about it here 🌸 Rules: 1. Our community is only as good as its quality. Any posts that are negative, judgmental or unrelated to the community will just be deleted. 2. No Pitching. No DM pitching - we want this to be a promotional-free community. If anyone is cold-pitching you in the DMs, message me or the admins so we can ban them. 3. Maintain a positive and respectful attitude towards each other at all times. This is a supportive, safe, non-judgmental and POSITIVE space. See the leaderboard and community scores you can unlock by contributing here in the community. Thank you for your support! LETS GROW! πŸš€πŸŒ• ♦️ Your First Action Tasks ♦️ Step 1: Book an onboarding call with me, Karen, founder and clinical psychologist here: In this call, I'll walk you through how to get the most out of this community and find out how best I can support you! ------------- Step 2: Introduce yourself! Either in this thread, right below, or under the "Introductions" tab (βœ„ copy/paste template πŸ‘‡) What’s your name?
2 members have voted
New comment Jul 2
Happy Me, Happy Everybody!
As we head into the summer, I'm discussing holiday plans with lots of my clients. Too many professionals and entrepreneurs end up having bad experiences on holiday because of trying to do too much! With all the change and adjustment, the sensory overload of travel, having too many demands on you, and feeling obligated to keep children (and others) entertained, you get overwhelmed. The thing is, when you sacrifice your own needs to please other people, you end up feeling unappreciated and resentful. You start seeing things through a negative lens and having a miserable time, maybe even fighting with your partner and/or your kids. The solution to this problem is not that other people ask less of you, it's that you ask less of yourself! You need to prioritise yourself! You need to take care of your own needs first and if that seems "selfish", please remind yourself that when you're calm, grounded and enjoying yourself, you're able to be the best version of yourself. When you're the best version of yourself: - You have SO much more to give others. - You feel energised and recharged. - Your family and friends get to see and enjoy the best part of you. What do y'all think? Is focusing more on your own needs something you can start to do?
2 members have voted
New comment Jul 1
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Psychotherapy 4 Professionals
For Professionals & Entrepreneurs: Conquer anxiety to become a confident communicator! RAPID breakthrough coaching, Q&A sessions & workshops here πŸ’•
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