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Coffee Hour with Winston is happening in 6 days
Coffee Hour with Winston postponed
Hi everybody, Coffee Hour is postponed this week as I'm in the middle of uploading more videos for all our courses.
Terraform Associate Certification
We are currently uploading the Terraform Associate Certification Course in addition to completing the GCP Associate Engineer Certification! Both courses will be fully uploaded by close of play 30th September
Terraform Associate Certification
Week 2 and Google Gemini
Hi Everybody, Week 2 and the Bonus week of Google Gemini have been uploaded... Next week the entire GCP Associate Engineer course WILL be uploaded by Friday 27th September Then we will be immiediately starting work on the Terraform Associate Certification
Week 2 and Google Gemini
Week 2
Week 2 will be uploaded by 17:00 GMT Saturday :)
Week 2
Coffee Hour with Winston
Hey Everybody, This week's session has been postponed until next week Saturday We will be uploading Week's 2 -4 next week of the GCP AE Course We have even more exciting news. I'll be interviewing the first person to use our services and get a career change through it John King next Sunday at 1PM GMT We will be having a little Q and A before opening the floor to anyone who joins who wants to ask John any questions about his experience. John was an optician for 20 years and is now a First Line Support Engineer who has increased his salary significantly AND is now fully remote. P.S John is also a black belt in karate and a sensei at his own Dojo so any questions on how to sweep the leg or how to do a Hadoken are also welcome :P
New comment 22d ago
Coffee Hour with Winston
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