June Challenge -"Up Skill"
🙌EntrePowerment Community - our challenge this month is "Up Skilling".
👊 What is Up Skilling? Dive deeper into an existing skill or learn a new skill - "go deep not wide".
👍 Why Up Skill? The world moves fast and it's a competitive place. Stay ahead or get left behind.
The Challenge:
Pick a skill to learn or improve. Find something that you can do every single day this month to learn more, for example: Watch youtube videos, read a book, listen to an audio book, take a class, join educational webinars, sing up for courses on Masterclass, Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, etc...
Here's some examples:
  • Learn to write better copy - ads, email, marketing materials
  • Learn to use different tools - email, social media, linkedin, youtube, digital ads, AI, video editing
  • Learn to sell better, present
  • Learn to communicate better
  • Learn to manage better
  • Learn to speak in public
  • Learn to prospect
  • Learn to generate leads - lead magnets, landing pages, offers
  • Learn to plan, goal set
  • Learn to get comfortable on camera
  • Learn equipment better - cameras, lights
  • Learn to write a book
  • Learn to launch your podcast/youtube channel/blog… 
  • Learn to hire people ie upwork and fiverr
  • Learn more about your industry
  • Learn more about your products/services
  • Learn more about human psychology
  1. What did you learn?
  2. What did you apply? 
  3. What were the results? 
Go Up Skill!
Tim Martinez
June Challenge -"Up Skill"
Leaderboard (30-day)
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