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June Challenge -"Up Skill"
🙌EntrePowerment Community - our challenge this month is "Up Skilling". 👊 What is Up Skilling? Dive deeper into an existing skill or learn a new skill - "go deep not wide". 👍 Why Up Skill? The world moves fast and it's a competitive place. Stay ahead or get left behind. The Challenge: Pick a skill to learn or improve. Find something that you can do every single day this month to learn more, for example: Watch youtube videos, read a book, listen to an audio book, take a class, join educational webinars, sing up for courses on Masterclass, Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, etc... Here's some examples: - Learn to write better copy - ads, email, marketing materials - Learn to use different tools - email, social media, linkedin, youtube, digital ads, AI, video editing - Learn to sell better, present - Learn to communicate better - Learn to manage better - Learn to speak in public - Learn to prospect - Learn to generate leads - lead magnets, landing pages, offers - Learn to plan, goal set - Learn to get comfortable on camera - Learn equipment better - cameras, lights - Learn to write a book - Learn to launch your podcast/youtube channel/blog…  - Learn to hire people ie upwork and fiverr - Learn more about your industry - Learn more about your products/services - Learn more about human psychology TRACK THESE 3ITEMS THROUGHOUT THE MONTH: 1. What did you learn? 2. What did you apply?  3. What were the results?  Go Up Skill!
New comment Jul 11
June Challenge -"Up Skill"
May Challenge - Building Your "A-Team"
🙏 Great call today EntrePowerment Community! We officially kicked off our May Challenge of "Building Your A-Team". Here’s how to participate in this month's challenge. 1. Make a comprehensive list of everyone that you need on your bus.  2. List who you have on your team now and where the gaps are. 3. Create a hierarchy list of who is the highest priority to get on the bus. 4. Define the roles and responsibilities for each person 5. Start having conversations with prospective team players Remember your "A-Team" can also be composed of peer advisory groups such as EntrePowerment, mentors/advisors, coaches, consultants, strategic partners, interns, virtual assistants… Make this the month that you gain clarity on WHO you need to build your empire! “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together”
New comment May 7
May Challenge - Building Your "A-Team"
Advance In April Challenge - "Go Fishing"
EntrePowerment Community - welcome to April's challenge! We're breaking this month challenge down into 4 mini challenges. 1️⃣ Week 1: Build your Hit List of 5-10 people "Big Fish" that would move the needle dramatically for your business. Find their contact information. Some practical examples are - Dream client, partner, investor, stage, endorsement... Next week we will have a roundtable discussion on your offer. 2️⃣ Week 2: Your Offer - what is your offer? Question: If you got your shot with the Big fish, what would your offer be? What's in it for them? 3️⃣ Week 3: Elevator Pitch Refinement Challenge - present your elevator pitch 4️⃣ Week 4: Prepare to go fishing Question: What tools in your tool box do you need to confidently begin outreach to your Big Fish 5️⃣ Week 5: Guest Speaker Note: We will be using this thread to contain all dialogue for this month's challenge. Post your updates, thoughts, challenges and wins here. Let's advance in April!
New comment May 7
Advance In April Challenge - "Go Fishing"
March "Meet-Up Challenge"
‼️EntrePowerment Community‼️ We are kicking off March with the "Meet-Up Challenge"🏆 The objective this month is for us to: 👥 A) Increase the size of our network by meeting new "quality" people 🤝 B) Strengthen existing relationships ✍️ Here's a running list of ideas to get you started: - Aim for one weekly in-person meeting - Coffee is always a no-brainer - Meet with others in the EntrePowerment community - either through DM or by joining a call and getting to know who is in the group. - Yes - Virtual meetings count - Consider strengthening relationships with the following - Customers, Employees, Partners, Suppliers, Vendors, Investors, Prospective Clients, Mentors/Advisors - Try getting out of your safe space once a week - visit a new coffee shop or book a day at a co-working space in your area - Join a webinar where other like-minded individuals will be - Attend a workshop or conference in your area - Make introductions between members - if you see an opportunity to connect two like minds or kindred spirits, go for it - Make extra time for family and friends this month - Check and for additional ideas/events 📣 BONUS CHALLENGE: Invite new members into the EntrePowerment community. Whoever invites the most new members will be awarded a special gift. Simply send them here and tell them to mention your name when they sign up! 🎥 Los Angeles In Person Meet-Up: For those of you that are local to Los Angeles we will be coordinating an in-person meetup March 16th to 🏃‍♂️ walk around Lake Hollywood 8:00am. The walk takes roughly an hour and half, low impact. Come along, bring friends/family and kids (no dogs unfortunately). More details to come on this.... 🔥 Let's make sure that at the end of the month we have some great stories to share about all the great people we were able to connect with and how this has positively impacted our lives and business.
New comment Mar 29
March "Meet-Up Challenge"
Time Blocking Exercise
EntrePowerment Crew! I'm creating this thread to house our dialogue for this months Challenge/Exercise. If you'd like to join in do these two things: 1. Watch this quick 2 min video: 2. Make a copy of this sheet: Let's share some tips, hacks, strategies on how to develop some tight schedules that we can all commit to. Remember the key here is mindfulness about where we are (or are not) spending our time. ‼️MAKE THIS CALENDAR YOUR OWN‼️ Note: you do not have to share your calendar with others if there is private or sensitive information. But it is important to make a copy of this and go through the exercise. We will discuss our findings at the top of each weekly call this month. 🏆 Let's Go! 1. "Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing." - Miles Davis 2. "The key is in not spending time, but in investing it." - Stephen R. Covey 3. "Time is a created thing. To say 'I don’t have time,' is like saying, 'I don’t want to.'" - Lao Tzu
New comment Feb 27
Time Blocking Exercise
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