May Challenge - Building Your "A-Team"
🙏 Great call today EntrePowerment Community!
We officially kicked off our May Challenge of "Building Your A-Team".
Here’s how to participate in this month's challenge.
  1. Make a comprehensive list of everyone that you need on your bus. 
  2. List who you have on your team now and where the gaps are.
  3. Create a hierarchy list of who is the highest priority to get on the bus.
  4. Define the roles and responsibilities for each person
  5. Start having conversations with prospective team players
Remember your "A-Team" can also be composed of peer advisory groups such as EntrePowerment, mentors/advisors, coaches, consultants, strategic partners, interns, virtual assistants…
Make this the month that you gain clarity on WHO you need to build your empire!
“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together”
Tim Martinez
May Challenge - Building Your "A-Team"
Leaderboard (30-day)
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