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Learn First Profit Later
I have been getting several DMs about people asking about how to make a profitable book. I am workong on building some additional trainings for how to use different tools and find that information. But, most importantly is to learn the process. Complete the classroom trainings, because even if you don't make your first book "perfect" or "profitable" that is okay. The point of this lesson is to learn the process and perfect your craft later. The more you practice creating covers, and using chatGPT to do your research and write your content the better you will get. Keep climbing everyone!
New comment 13h ago
Learn First Profit Later
Welcome to Learning Publishing
Hello 👋🏻 everyone thank you so much for being here with me! I’ve been making passive income by publishing books on Amazon the last two years and I am excited to share it with you. 👏🏼 You can now access the "CLASSROOM" and take advantage of the FREE course that will walk you through the entire process of how to create and publish your very first book. 👇🏼Drop a comment of a book you’ve read that has inspired you and I will look up the estimate of how much that book earns a month on Amazon!
New comment 5d ago
Zero Tolerance for Spam
If you're here to just get leads for something else that is not the purpose of this group. The group is for people who are interested in publishing a book and wanting to take the course to learn or to ask questions about the book publishing process. I wanted to keep this group free to help the people genuinely interested in getting help, but the amount of spam has me considering migrating it to a low paid subscription. However before I go that route, as a last resort, I have enlisted a new moderator @Mitchel Jones and he will be helping with booting people that are here for the wrong reasons. Thanks everyone for understanding!
New comment 7d ago
Zero Tolerance for Spam
How many authors do we have in the group?
New comment 8d ago
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KDP Publishing
Ever wanted to know how to publish your own book? In this free course I show you all the steps to get started!
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