Cancer assassination protocols
The last leg of the clinical Press Pull Metabolic Therapy of Dr. Seyfried is killing as many cancer cells and tumors as possible. That phase I will call Cancer Assassination Protocol, CAP for short. Sort of knocking the head off. Pardon the images but the C must be extremely dealt with.
Questions: Weren't there other assassination protocols Dr. Seyfried mentioned somewhere like Hypothermia, extreme cold treatments and Sauna or steam room, extreme heat treatments that can "hammer to death" the the C.
Dr. Seyfried said the C cells are not as robust as normal human cells. And after they have been starved of glucose in our prolonged state of ketosis and then pulsing L-DON as prescribed, it does not take much to end the C cells lives.
So maybe we are not limited only to the very expensive Hyperbaric assassination protocols to manage or rid us of the C.
HBOT, better and/or Hypothermia and extreme heat treatments, good enough?
Maybe better is better but sometimes good enough is good enough.
Has anybody tried to use Hypothermia and extreme heat treatments to CAP the C?
John Brebeuf Garcia
Cancer assassination protocols
We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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