1d ago (edited) in General
Prevent your mitochondria from "breaking bad"!
As we have a lots of new members since last time I talked about it and since the RockSolid movie on the channel is already some months ago, I'd like to repost this video once again. Yes, maybe some of you will be annoyed but I think this has to be understood properly:
Excess Omega 6s will damage your mitochondria, and that is probably the reason
1) That some of you got cancer in the first place (below 70, no alcohol&smoking) and
2) Cancer recurrence exists, even after a super successful surgery.
(Not only do Omega 6s directly damage the Cardiolipin, there is a whole host of other compounds that our body turns into highly toxic compounds when eaten in excess, like HNE or Aldehyde)
Is there proof for this in humans?
Well, maybe you have heard of chinese women that get lung cancer in rising numbers, despite not being smokers? Cooking oils!
Or maybe you heard of the rising cancer rate in the youth? Due to the now "en vogue" vegan diet, all the fats come from plants!
Everybody should read the paper about the connection of seed oils on cardiolipin structure in this paper here - I don't think that the researchers expected such results themselves, otherwise they would have had a 3rd group with a moderate amount of sunflower oil:
... and then watch the RockSolid diet movie, and maybe have a good laugh :-)
The ebook with he sources I took all the linoleic acid values from is also in the classroom:
In the video, I talk about a max of 10 grams a day. That is an average for both sexes. For men with cancer, the limit should rather be 7-8 grams, for women, 5-6 grams. Lower is better! A quick overview calculator is here,
but you should configure your cronometers omega 6 as shown in the classroo video.
Of course this is an even greater restriction than before, fatty pork and chicken for example have to be avoided. But this is all for the good of your long term health, your long term mitochondria health! But: There are no short term results to be expected, as the half life of omega 6 in your membranes is over 300 days, so this has to be practiced for a longer period of time. Sorry about that :-p
Johnny Rockermeier
Prevent your mitochondria from "breaking bad"!
We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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