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We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.


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267 contributions to KetoforCancer
Prevent your mitochondria from "breaking bad"!
As we have a lots of new members since last time I talked about it and since the RockSolid movie on the channel is already some months ago, I'd like to repost this video once again. Yes, maybe some of you will be annoyed but I think this has to be understood properly: Excess Omega 6s will damage your mitochondria, and that is probably the reason 1) That some of you got cancer in the first place (below 70, no alcohol&smoking) and 2) Cancer recurrence exists, even after a super successful surgery. (Not only do Omega 6s directly damage the Cardiolipin, there is a whole host of other compounds that our body turns into highly toxic compounds when eaten in excess, like HNE or Aldehyde) Is there proof for this in humans? Well, maybe you have heard of chinese women that get lung cancer in rising numbers, despite not being smokers? Cooking oils! Or maybe you heard of the rising cancer rate in the youth? Due to the now "en vogue" vegan diet, all the fats come from plants! Everybody should read the paper about the connection of seed oils on cardiolipin structure in this paper here - I don't think that the researchers expected such results themselves, otherwise they would have had a 3rd group with a moderate amount of sunflower oil: ... and then watch the RockSolid diet movie, and maybe have a good laugh :-) The ebook with he sources I took all the linoleic acid values from is also in the classroom: In the video, I talk about a max of 10 grams a day. That is an average for both sexes. For men with cancer, the limit should rather be 7-8 grams, for women, 5-6 grams. Lower is better! A quick overview calculator is here,
New comment 19m ago
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@Ricardo Cavalcanti Yes I heard about that theory from vincents interview with the book author of that theory, if I am not mistaken. But I am not very familiar with it or the phenomena you describe. At the end of the day, I will stick very closely with Dr. Seyfrieds theory and papers, because thats what works, at least in the mouse and human case studies.
0 likes • 1h
@Josh Pitman This is just my theory... thing is: Omega 6s and 3s compete with each other to be incorporated into cell membranes and tissues in general. And Omega 6s usually win. But I dont know if they "win" because there is just so much of them ratiowise, or do they still win when its 1-1. So probably the max value approach is more valid than a balancing-out approach. Its very tricky and there is no real research in humans, maybe I have to look harder. [In general, if there is medication to be made and the study is going toi be expensive (which it is in humans studies that should control one single nutritional ingredient) then those studies are note gonna be done. Also, with a 300 day half life, it is even 100x more impossible to do. Thus, deduction is the only way to get to a hypothesis, and this mouse study is veeeryyy convincing regarding cardiolipin content, the graphs are insane imo! So, Im gonna stop ranting now haha]
Old and stubborn
Due to my upbringing and I suppose the area of the country that I live in I'm kind of stubborn. Due to that I just got started on chemo yesterday, I wanted to know all the details about what I was taking and options. I'm glad to have found in my search this site and people with one common interest. Stay alive maybe a little longer for multiple reasons. Thank God for Dr. Seyfried and others who are digging out the truth. The truth will come out, it can't be hidden forever.
New comment 1d ago
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So are you planning / are you already in ketosis? Even with soc, doing a keto diet is very beneficial :-)
New Member
Hi members. I am battling a spinal tumor that keeps regrowing after surgeries or radiation. I am interested to lean about the keto diet with the hope of stopping or slowing down further regrowth. To complicate matter I have been diagnosed with Fructose Mal absorption.Otherwise I am in good health.
New comment 11h ago
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No matter what you do, to prevent further mitochondrial damage and recurrance, i suggest you lower your omega 6s as much as possible:
Calories, protein and restriction on long term Keto
Any thoughts on what the max calories per day and max protein per day should be if we are achieving a gki of 2 or less? Also how to accurately measure what ones basal metabolic rate (outside of calories logged on a Garmin or similar) Some books I've read discuss quite low protein when it comes to fighting cancer - 0.5 grams per kilo, tho others recommend double or even triple that amount.
New comment 1d ago
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that seems to be highly individual. I suggest you do the cronometer plan in the classroom, its a 80% fat diet with a 20% calorie restriction, and then go from there. Measuring basal BMR would be possible if you had a very accurate bodyfat device, know your daily calories while working and also your exercise calories. With alll of that said, it will still be a 300 calories plus minus range for a man. The cronometer basic setting is fine, adjust it from there. Yes you can go low with the protein, but i recommend no lower than 1 gram per kg bodyweight. i think dom dagostino even said 1,5g as minimum, but that would result in very skewed keto macros,, more like 70% But: Some members in here ingest like 130 grams of protein a day, a females member, and she has a fantastic gki! so there is also a need for indivudual experimention. The same goes for meal frequency
Hey all, just wanted to say hi. I just came across this community abou a week ago when I saw one of Jason's interview with Dom on YouTube. And wow, lots of good info. So just wanted to introduce myself. I was diagnosed in June with Mucosal Melanoma. Had radiation and now have a PET scan coming up in November. I'm currently doing Keto but still have higher glucose numbers, so trying to get that dialed in. I have some MBZ on it's way but just learning that I didn't quite get enough of a dose, so going to get that upped. Anyway, great community and I look forward to learning all I can.
New comment 24h ago
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Welcome to the group, you got this!
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Johnny Rockermeier
388points to level up
PE Teacher, Fitness Trainer, Editor, Translator, Publisher, Creator of the RockSolid Diet:

Active 52m ago
Joined Jun 25, 2024
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