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Inductive Bible Study is happening in 7 days
Controversial Topics
I believe we need to start having deeper conversations, especially about the more controversial topics in the church. If we as a society can’t put on our big boy/girl pants and engage in these discussions, what does that say about us? We don’t have to *agree* on everything, but we should be open to *understanding* other perspectives. It’s not about who is right, but *what* is right—and seeking the truth together. These conversations don’t have to turn into debates or arguments. We can disagree and still respect one another, keeping it clean and focused on learning. Let’s ask the deeper questions and hear each other out. I’d love to know your thoughts on this—do you think we need to have these conversations, and how do we approach them in a healthy way?
New comment 3m ago
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
Have the gifts of prophesy/healing/tongues ceased? (are you a cessationist?) or do they continue? (are you a continuist?). WARNING: This is a rabbit hole and a poke-the-bear kind of topic.... @Angela Linville challenged me to broach this... so here we go 🐻 Like a lot of our spiritual growth, this topic might be a journey in and of itself to land on your stance on this... you may be on a continuum. Why is this important? I believe as we march toward end times and as we are in the Hebrew year of the Door, that the veil between the natural and spiritual is thinning and we are going to see more and more "signs and wonders" both from the dark and from the light (from God and not from God). I encourage you to get with God and our Bible and an open heart/mind on this. Here's one person who has done a deep dive on the topic-- it's a review/rebuttal of the documentary about cessationists (those who believe these gifts have ceased). I confess I have not watched the whole thing... but it seems to be a balanced and Biblical and gospel centered approach and possible a good starting point for you if you do not have an answer to this question or want to reaffirm or decide where you stand. Cessationist: A Critical Evaluation of This Documentary
New comment 4h ago
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
Replace Obligation with Peace...
One of the exercises I have my group clients do every week is Scripture declarations. I start by identifying what Holy Spirit is asking us to release and then what He wants to bless us with. Each exercise is planned with the particular focus of the current Hebrew Months in mind - so this month is Elul (Sept 4 - Oct 3) and we are focusing on Intimacy with the Lord as He walks with us. Here is today's Declaration, Prayer & Scripture Inspiration to replace Obligation with Peace: Declare: I am enveloped in God’s peace, unhindered by obligation, and perfectly at rest in His presence. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to lift the burdens of obligation that weigh me down. Remove the emotional weight they’ve left behind, and fill me with Your blessings. Help me see how I can walk in the fullness of this peace, calming every disturbance and finding tranquility in Your presence. Let me experience what it feels like to live fully at peace with Your grace. In Jesus' Peaceful Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ Galatians 5:1 (TPT): At last we have freedom, for Christ has set us free! We must always cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past. How has obligation stifled your ability to feel peaceful?
New comment 2d ago
Replace Obligation with Peace...
Replace Unwanted Attention from a Person with Peace
There are times when we are under scrutiny and that unwanted attention leaves us feeling less than. Like we don't measure up. Perhaps that attention is a memory that your body is still holding onto - you know your body keeps the score, right? Don't let that unwanted attention derail you. Walk calmly in His presence and claim the peace that He has for you! Do you find it easy to shake off unwanted attention? Declare: I am filled with God’s deep peace, unshaken by others’ attention, as I walk calmly in His presence. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to lift the burdens caused by unwanted attention. Remove the emotional weight they’ve left behind, and fill me with Your blessings. Help me see how I can walk in the fullness of these blessings, living in the freedom, joy, and strength that come from You. Pour Your peace into me, calming every disturbance caused by unwanted attention, so I may rest in Your quiet assurance. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ Psalm 34:4-5 (TPT): Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears! Gaze upon Him, join your life with His, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.
New comment 2d ago
Replace Unwanted Attention from a Person with Peace
Replace Trouble Letting Go with Surrender
Declare: I fully surrender to God’s will, letting go of control, and finding freedom in His perfect plan for my life. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to take away my need for control and help me surrender everything to You. Pour Your spirit of surrender into my heart, allowing me to trust completely in Your perfect will. Reveal what it looks like to live in full surrender, where I am free and at peace in Your divine plan. In Jesus' Sovereign Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ Psalms 55:22 (TPT): So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you. He will watch over his devoted lovers, never letting them slip or be overthrown.
New comment 2d ago
Replace Trouble Letting Go with Surrender
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