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Introduce Yourself
I will be the first to start. I was the kid that got bullyed from elementary up to middle school. There was still a little bit of it in high school but with confronting the other person or talking to the teacher, things have resolved. I've always fealt like the outcast that had one good friend and many "other friends". Up until high school I transitioned to something like the "class clown" that was friends with everyone from the class. Something like the "fun friend" that's a little weard. In collage I really started getting out of my "shell". But still to this day have anxiety around girls I'm interested in, and starting flirty conversation with them. The first self-improvement book I read was Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins back in 2019. Around a year after that I stumbled upon Hamza Ahmed (as most probably know him). From many books, alot of practice, overcommig limits and even teaching at uni. It all was leading me to starting a business that pays the bills while helping people overcome there problems. Explaining how the human mind works and how to channel its capabilities to a worth-while goal. Stopped teaching at uni at the beginning of 2024 to focus on YouTube content and building some product. It has 95% been a failure, but also a lesson. If you don't have anyone to support you in your dream, and don't have your own UNCONDITIONAL support, then efforts and life is wasted. That is what I hope to tackle in this community.
Introduce Yourself
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