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Updates 👀
We've got lots of new videos on YouTube!! Go check 'em out 🙏🏻 Turns out that researching, filming, editing, and posting videos consistently is hard work 😮‍💨 It WILL pay off eventually tho 😤💯 Let me know what you think of the new content 🤨 I hope you enjoy 🫶🏻 Jack
Updates 👀
L2E Clubs 🎉
We officially have Strava and Zwift Clubs! I would love it if you joined them ❤️ If you've never heard of Strava or Zwift, keep reading. I got you 🤓 Strava is a social media platform for athletes that also has GPS tracking on mobile devices. The free version is loaded with awesome stuff and I highly recommend it. Our club page has leaderboards, member activities and posts 🏆 Zwift is an online cycling and running platform that enables users to interact, train, and compete in a virtual world. Although smart accessories ARE required, I also highly recommend Zwift. Our club page has a simple chat box and an events tab showing all of our L2E group rides and workouts. During L2E group rides, we'll be riding together... virtually... from all across the world 🤯 If you have any questions about these platforms or our clubs, shoot me a DM 📲 Here are the links to join:
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Helping people become endurance athletes 💪🏻
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