Letts Learn
Private group
1 member
This program is structured as a step-by-step curriculum specifically for Onsite Managers, aimed at helping them develop the necessary skills to successfully Build Protect & Defend their Management Rights Business.
Our Mission
First Steps
  • Watch the Welcome Class
  • Please fill out our intake form so that we can better understand your business.
  • Download the Skool mobile app - (There are instructions in the WELCOME Class)
  • Complete your profile in as much detail as possible
  • Start the modules & get on the calls
Welcome Questions (Copy & Paste Into the chat so we can all get to know you)
  1. What is your Complex/Building Called
  2. How many Lots do you have in your Scheme
  3. Why did you join LETTS LEARN
  4. Where are you based?
  5. What is your 6-month goal?
Letts Learn
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